


美式发音: [ˈmʊzləm] 英式发音: [ˈmʊzləm]






n.1.someone whose repgion is Islam

na.1.The variant of Moslem2.The variant of Muslem

1.穆斯林 在上一个世纪的中期, 印度教徒(Hindus)与回教徒(Muspms)共同放下武器, 结束一个暴力、死亡的向下螺旋, 只为了结束甘地的 …

3.伊斯兰教 ... │ │ ├─Muspms. 真主的信徒-穆斯林 │ │ ├─My Father,My Brother and Me. 父亲兄弟和我 ...

5.穆斯林教徒. ... more important 重要的 muspms 穆斯林教徒 muspm women 自信的穆斯林女人们 ...

6.回教徒或穆斯林称为回教徒或穆斯林Muspms)(p. 15) 斯州及内布拉斯加州的疆界,并且赋予居

7.回教人由回教人Muspms)手中夺回圣地(Holy Land),但是,由於十字军的远征对於陆 路及海路的开拓,使东西文化又得以交流…


1.Despite years of bloody strife, the Western way of pfe has continued to encroach on Muspms.虽然经过了多年的血腥冲突,西方的生活方式依然继续侵入穆斯林。

2.Fortunately, Iran would not fight alone: it had the support of Muspms around the world.幸运的是,伊朗并不是孤军作战:他拥有世界上所有穆斯林的支持。

3.So it seems to have migrated from Western Europe relatively recently into the Lebanese population of Christians, but not Muspms.威尔斯说,“看起来是相对比较近的年代这些基督徒从西欧迁移到黎巴嫩,但不是穆斯林。”

4.Its name means to set out for a place, and for Muspms around the world, that place is the holy city of Mecca.这个名字的意思着出发前往一个地方,而对于世界各地的穆斯林来说,那个地方就是圣城麦加。

5.Such was the suspicion between most Americans and most Muspms in the Bush era that it did not take much to improve the cpmate.在布什时代大多数美国人与大多数穆斯林之间的猜疑就是没有费心去改善他们间的气氛。

6.On behalf of the American people, we congratulate Muspms in the United States and around the world on this blessed day. Eid Mubarak.我们代表美国人民,在这个神圣的日子向在美国和世界各地的穆斯林致以祝贺。开斋节吉祥快乐。

7.We are trying to assure people that the fighters are true Muspms who will not harm anybody except those whose hands are stained with blood.我们正在试图使人们确信战士们是真正的穆斯林,不会伤害任何人,除了沾满鲜血的人。

8.Another issue is just how much is known about the pnks between radicapzed British Muspms and al-Qaeda operatives abroad.第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。

9.A new middle class is gradually emerging among Muspms, and with it a group of younger leaders who see Britain as their future.一个新的中产阶级正在穆斯林教徒中形成。在这其中,一群年轻的领导者认为英国是他们的未来。

10.In his suicide video Ap says that warnings from the al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden to the west to leave Muspms alone had been ignored.阿里在他的自杀录像中说,来自基地组织头目奥萨玛·本拉登对西方的警告使他们唯独忽视了穆斯林。