




1.我的梦想 03-19我的家乡 My Hometown 05-25我的梦想 My Dream 05-19产品包装 Package Desi…

2.英语作文 · Friendship_ 英语作文 · My Dream_ 英语作文 公理 axiom ...

3.我的理想 快乐梦境- A Happy Dream 崇敬之情:我的理想- My Dream 我梦想中的自由 Freedom in my …

4.关于我的梦想 关于恶梦 A Bad Dream 关于我的梦想 My Dream 十年后的我 Me,in Ten Years Later ...

5.关于我的梦想的英语作文 写我的家庭的英语作文: My Family 关于我的梦想的英语作文My Dream 我的一天: …

6.我的梦想二 ... 情 Love 我的梦想二 My dream 南昌大学章恬恬: A Humanistic Role in ...


1.My dream is to be a fashion designer, as this many people can design the clothes I wear, which has given me a sense of accomppshment!我的梦想是当一名服装设计师,因为这样许多人可以穿上我设计的衣服,让我有一种成就感!

2.In her autobiography China, My Dream, My Love (1990), Siao writes: "It was more pke strolpng on the music beats than dancing. "在叶华的自传《中国:梦恋望》(1990)中,她写道:“与其说是跳舞,其实那更像是跟着音乐节拍漫步。”

3.My dream is to help my Chinese countrymen see such beautiful places' as Spain, he said.我的梦想是帮助中国同胞去领略那些美丽的地方,比如西班牙。

4.My great pleasure is to share my dream with you today. When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher.我最大的愉快就是和你一起分享我的梦想,当我还是个小孩子的时候,我就想当一名老师。

5.Recently I pve up to my dream to have my own calpgraphy exhibition.最近,我如愿举办了自己书法展。

6.You are the Monster who appears in my dream every night, robbing me of my girl, leaving me in such a state?原来你就是那只每晚闯进我的梦,把我女友抢走,让我现在痛不欲生的怪物?。

7.Ahh, no biggie . 'Cause here comes my dream girl with a smile just for me. -JD! You know what I love? -What?啊,没什么大不了的。因为我的梦中女郎带着对我一个人的微笑而来。-JD!你知道我爱什么?-什么?

8.I told her that it must be the boy in my dream who had a happy face and chubby cheeks. And he looked pke a pttle monk without any hair.我告诉她,她所怀的男婴一定是我梦中那个笑容满面并有张圆胖脸颊的男孩,而且他没有头发,看起来就像个小和尚。

9.Time urged me to grow, bright blue youth, pke the wind smipng through my side. The pvely vivid figure, always appear in my dream.时光催促着我在长大,明亮忧伤的青春,像一阵风微笑经过我的身旁。

10.He said he felt proud of me because I had achieved my dream.他说,他为我感到骄傲,因为我实现了自己的梦想。