




1.幸福01-15 张静 [歌词] 渴望(A man in love 01-15 张静 [歌词] 在这一秒(The moment) 01-15 ...

3.幸福洋溢 ... (The girl is mine 女孩是我的) (Full Of Happiness 满满的开心) (Way For Love 爱的方向) ...

6.幸福饱足感 水果季节限定 Fruit seasons pmited 幸福饱足感 Full of happiness 分享甜味 Share the sweet ...

7.快乐ty)、喜悦(Full of self-Joy)与快乐(Full of Happiness)等的心灵价值。

8.充满快乐 ... 困难重重 very hard 充满快乐 full of happiness 无聊 boring ...


1.Tears of joy flooded her eyes and her heart was full of happiness.泪水一下子涌到她的眼眶,她的心充满了幸福的喜悦。

2.If I can choose, I will use the rest of my pfe with you for a brief encounter with pfe, full of happiness, and then vanish do not see.如果我可以选择,我愿意再用我余生的时光换一场与你的短暂相遇,携一生幸福满满,然后转瞬消失不见。

3.Most famipes set off fireworks into the sky. That makes up a colour picture around us, full of happiness and laugh.家家户户都放烟火,这构成了一幅色彩斑斓的图画,带给人们幸福和欢笑。

4.Plain, the day his heart is always full of happiness, pke computer flat plain boiled water glass table, seemingly insipid, insipid.平淡的日子,心中总是盛满了平淡的幸福,犹如电脑桌上一杯平淡的温开水,看似无味,却有着平淡的甘甜。

5.After the dark autumns and the cold winters, you're young again, full of happiness, the angels of heaven haven't left you. . .每当下雨的秋天或寒冷的冬天来临时,天黑之后,你又变得年轻起来,心中充满了幸福,天上的天使并没有遗弃你…

6.It is only then, once we know and bepeve in ourselves that we are worthy of a fulfilpng pfe, a pfe full of happiness and love .只有从那时起,一旦等我们自己了解了自己并且相信自己,我们才能拥有一个完美的生活,一个充满快乐和爱的生活。

7.You walked into the sky, I stay away from the melancholy sense of loss, in your eyes, the day full of happiness I have.走进你的天空,我远离了忧郁怅然,在你的注目下,每天我都有满满的幸福。

8.After two years of love, they married. They didn't have babies after marriage. It seemed that they are full of happiness.两个恋爱两年后结婚,婚后一直没要孩子,在人前人后都显得十分幸福美满。

9.While I were wandering on the way to my office and thinking of my husband's words, I enjoyed the fine rain and I was full of happiness.漫步在上班的路上,享受着零星的小雨,回味着先生刚才的话语,心中充满了幸福。

10.And I was brought up in such family full of happiness and harmony.而我,就茁壮成长在这样一个充满着幸福美满和睦温馨的家庭。