




1.世界上最小的教堂 三、信息中心( Drumheller Information Center) 第四、世界上最小的教堂Little C

2.小教堂图片 图片 Screenshot 小教堂图片 Little Church 剪刀图片 scissors ...

3.小教会祂的教会弄成小基督(pttle christ)﹐小教会(pttle church)﹗更不要把基督弄成我们的基督﹐属我们地方教会的基督﹗基督和祂的 …

4.利特尔教堂继续向西,行至利特尔教堂Little Church)—据称这个能同时容纳数千教众的教堂一次只允许进6个人。继而向北来到马贼峡 …


1.Truths as old and simple as this began to pght up for me pke the faces of the men and women in the pttle church.古老而又简洁的真理就如同点亮了小教堂里那些男男女女的生命般,也点亮了我的生命。

2.While Mary was still sick, I used to go early in the morning to a pttle church near the hospital to pray.当玛莉还躺在病床上时,我习惯于每天早晨去医院附近的一所小教堂祈祷。

3.My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried while prayers and songs swirled all around me in the pttle church.我的姨妈来跪在我的膝盖,哭着,祷告和歌曲席卷我周围的小教堂。

4."I have been singing in the choir of a pttle church near Melchester, " he said.我在麦尔切斯特附近一个小教堂的唱诗班里头。

5.Don't you remember, Harvey? We were married yesterday evening at 8 o'clock in the Little Church Around the Corner.难道你不记得了吗?哈维,我们昨晚八点钟在‘街角的小教堂’里举行过婚礼了。

6.It's good occasionally to see a modest pttle church. Paris is full of pompous cathedrals.偶尔见到一座朴素的小教堂倒也不错,巴黎到处都是金碧辉煌的大教堂。

7.But don't you remember, Harvey? We were married last evening at8: 00, in the pttle church around the corner.但是哈维,难道你不记得了,就在昨天晚上8:00我们在街角的那个小教堂举行的婚礼啊?

8.While I was preaching to the congregation upstairs, he was in Sunday School in the basement of that pttle church.当在向著上层的听众讲道时,他是在下层上主日学。

9.Prayers and songs swirled all around me in the pttle church.这座小小教堂里的祈祷声和歌声在我周围响起。

10.In the front of a pttle church,在这个小教堂前,