




1.脸谱网马克·扎克伯格已成为全球技术宅男的新偶像,这位脸谱网(facebook网址被屏蔽)的创始人不仅成为全球最年轻的亿万富翁,而且还把 …

2.脸书请在脸书facebook网址被屏蔽)找到 Blue House Baking Workshop然后 请按[赞] (连结按此),按理你就可以看到由 Blue House …

3.脸谱网站特别是在一些虚拟的网络社交圈内,比如脸谱网站(Facebook网址被屏蔽)和我的空间网站(MySpace网址被屏蔽),年轻人是否愿意和大人一 …

4.脸书网站吞时间的脸书网站Facebook网址被屏蔽)第一次出现的时候我在上大一,当时它还是大学学生的专用地。今年春天,脸书对外敞开 …

5.非死不可lzh112:儿子在非死不可(facebook网址被屏蔽)上与老爸的对话tangremax:“丹奇新中美海外作家协会”成立声明暨求人启事 asako: …


1.Mr Zuckerberg revealed that, as rumoured, the 500milpon people signed up to Facebook will have access to a 'Facebook. com' email address.与先前的传言一样,朱克伯格透露说5亿“脸谱”注册用户将拥有一个以“Facebook网址被屏蔽”结尾的电子邮件地址。

2.Basically, all a Facebook apppcation really consists of is an iframe that runs on Facebook. com and calls code on your server.基本上,所有Facebook应用程序都包含一个运行在Facebook网址被屏蔽上并调用您的服务器上的代码的iframe。

3.Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing and Facebook are among the companies switching-on IPv6 versions of their websites for the one day trial.众多公司,包括谷歌,雅虎,微软必应和脸谱网(Facebook网址被屏蔽),开启了其IPv6版本网站为期一天的测试。

4.However, he wrote, it will be impossible for the new website to be completely integratedwith Facebook. com.然而,他又称,新的网站不可能与脸谱网站完全的结合起来。

5.Facebook announced the debut of a free mobile site called 0. facebook. com.Facebook刚刚推出了一个免费移动网:0.facebook网址被屏蔽,一个有可能取代简化版Facebook的站点。

6.We are also providing an @facebook. com email address to every person on Facebook who wants one.如果用户有需要,我们也向所有facebook用户提供@facebook网址被屏蔽这样的邮箱地址。

7.Indeed, Mr Zuckerberg sees a day in the near future when there is more Facebook-related activity on other sites than on Facebook. com.确实,扎克伯格预计,在不久的将来,其他网站上的Facebook相关活动将超过Facebook网址被屏蔽。

8.The common gateway will be an "@facebook. com" e-mail address.常见的联接通路将是一个“@facebook网址被屏蔽的”E-mail地址。

9.ARTHUR PIGOU, anearly-20th-century British economist, might well have shuddered at the thoughtof Facebook. com, a student networking site.20世纪早期的英国经济学家阿瑟·庇古(ARTHURPIGOU)一想起学生联络网站Facebook网址被屏蔽,可能会气得发抖。

10.The idea is that other Web sites will drive traffic back to Facebook. com, and in turn receive traffic from Facebook.这个想法的要点是其他网站将把流量带回给Facebook网址被屏蔽,反过来也会从Facebook获得流量。