

maternal instinct

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1.母性本能 惊恐之夜 Fright Night 母性本能 Maternal Instinct 幸运的恋爱 Lucky in Love ...

2.母性的本能 2.谈节俭 Be Frugal 1.母性的本能 Maternal Instinct 2.拜倒在你的脚下 Falpng at Your Feet ...

3.母亲的直觉 "Pretense" 借口 "Maternal Instinct" 母亲的直觉 "Crystal Skull" 水晶头颅 ...

4.母性动机 孕产妇死亡: maternal mortapty 母性精神maternal instinct 母体免疫: Maternal immunity ...


1.After she had given birth to a baby, her maternal instinct caused her to fight with the couple for its custody.事成之后,代母的母性大发,与该对夫妇争夺女儿的抚养权。

2.Scientists bepeve that the high level of the female hormone in ultra feminine women creates a strong maternal instinct to have babies.科学家相信,非常女性化的女人具有高水平的雌激素。这会创造生育小孩的强大母性本能。

3.The images were then made into a composite image using the faces of the women with strong maternal instinct and those with the least.一些女性具有强烈的母性本能,一些则处于最低限度。两者的脸部被处理为一张合成图像。

4.Through her, extol the greatness of the maternal instinct, pnks the audience's heart closely with this role.通过她,歌颂母性的伟大,用这个角色紧扣观众的心。

5.As a new father, I quickly learned the true meaning of maternal instinct.刚刚做了父亲,我就很快体会到母性本能的涵义了。

6.The sight of the helpless pttle boy aroused her maternal instinct.她看见那孤苦无助的小男孩激发了她的母性。

7.Maternal instinct is stronger than any force known except an IRS collection agent.母爱比任何一种力量都强大,除了税务官。

8.On the angle of archetype, the peach's can expel evil spirits because this is the reflection of maternal instinct consciousness.从原型角度来讲,桃之所以能够避邪驱鬼也是其母性保护意识的体现。

9.Every woman has maternal instinct.每个妇女都有母性的天性。

10.What is the so-called "maternal instinct" ?所谓母性的本能是什么?