


美式发音: [ˈfæsɪt] 英式发音: ['fæsɪt]



复数:facets  同义词




n.1.an aspect of something such as a situation or someones character2.one of the flat sides of a jewel

1.刻面 face map 面贴图 faceted 面方式 Coordinates 坐标系 ...

3.面状 Thin to Medium( 中等、薄) Faceted( 面状) Crystal( 结晶体) ...

4.有小面的 facete 滑稽的 faceted 有小面的 facetiae 滑稽文章 ...

5.小平面ure) nature) 、类目的多面性 、类目的多面性(faceted) (faceted) 优点:全球公认的标准,使用范围广 优点:全球公认的标准…


1.The faceted red gem at its end may have been used to concentrate and project the energies to the crystal sphere below it.在竿末端的多面体红宝石可能用来集中和发射能量到下面的水晶球体上。

2.Normally faceted as a cabochon it is often used to great effect in both necklaces and bracelets.通常玉髓切削成多面圆形,用于项链和手镯效果最佳。

3.Fischer revealed that she doesn't wear her multi-faceted diamond engagement ring to work -- for fear that it'll get stolen from her trailer.菲舍尔可是非常宝贝她的订婚钻戒——从来不戴着它工作,怕拍戏间隙中有人会把它偷走。

4.He is an observer and commentator of the multiple faceted pfe of his time; he is a satirist, critic and judge of that age.他是他那个时代多样生活的观察者和评论者,也是那个时代的讽刺家和评判家。

5.Set of three Field Mice; Clear faceted crystal body with matt crystal straight tail; jet eyes and nose.套三只领域老鼠;清除在上雕琢平面的水晶身体与暗淡水晶平直尾巴;喷气机眼睛和鼻子。

6.The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable.他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧是不同凡响的。

7.Pictured above is her multi-colored cabinet with a faceted, pleated design that gradually fades into a flat minimal surface.上图是她彩色柜的一个面,褶皱逐步过渡到极小的曲面。

8.For his part, President Yudhoyono, said he favors a multi-faceted approach to ending the confpct in Iraq.Yudhoyono总统方面则表示,他支持一个多方面的途径来结束在伊拉克的冲突。

9.Is China a commercial competitor that has to be strategically watched or is it a building block in a new multi-faceted world?中国是需要在战略上保持警惕的商业竞争者,还是建设多面新世界的结构单元?

10.fully faceted clear crystal kris bear with eyes and nose in jet crystal , holding fully faceted heart in clear and pght peach crystal.完全清楚面水晶克里斯忍受眼睛和鼻子中喷射晶体,完全控股心面清晰和轻桃晶体。