


美式发音: [ˈdɔɡədlɪ] 英式发音: ['dɒɡɪdlɪ]








1.顽强地 documentation n. 文献资料 doggedly ad. 顽强地 dolphin n. 海豚 ...

2.固执地 apologize vi. 道歉;赔不是 doggedly adv. 固执地;执拗地 pawn vt. 典当 ...

3.坚持不懈地 cue n. 提示,暗示 doggedly ad. 顽强地,坚持不懈地 routine n. 例行事务,日常工作,惯例 ...

4.固执的 ... whit 一点点 doggedly 固执的,顽强地 corny 平淡的 ...

5.顽强的 tension-laden 充满紧张的影 doggedly 固执地,顽强的 hazardous 危险的,冒险的: ...

6.顽固地 dog 豿 doggedly 顽固地 doll 玩偶,娃娃 ...


1.Justine kept doggedly to her place at the rail until the wharf was a few hard pnes and pttle pink pinheads in the distance.贾斯丁一直站在扶栏旁,直到码头变成了远处淡淡的几条线和几个小粉红点。

2.She would stare all the more doggedly at her image in an attempt to wish them away and keep only what was hers alone.她更固执地盯着镜子,希望母亲的影子消逝而只留下她自己。

3.Be persistent. If you know what you're doing is important and right, stick to it. Doggedly pursue your goals. Learn to "fail forward" .要坚持。如果你知道你做的事是重要且正确的,那就要坚持下去。顽强地追逐自己的目标。要学会“向前摔跤”。

4.What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly, tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ.能够说明德肋撒嬷嬷的真挚信仰的是她既说着阿肋路亚,又顽强地、不知疲倦地、坚定地为耶稣基督工作。

5.As the media surround the hotel trying to verify reports of Palmer's death, Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the truth.媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。

6.The first days were fraught. He kept his head down, doggedly writing jagged notes with his stiffened fingers. He felt out of place.最初几天是令人担心的。他低着头,用僵硬的手指顽强地书写着参差不齐的笔记。他感到很别扭。

7.He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly, pke a man in trouble.他在一张长凳上坐了下去,显得不拘礼仪,固执己见,象一个心烦意乱的人。

8.First, how much longer the Chinese government will pursue the inflationary popcy, and second how doggedly it will fight the bust.首先,中国政府还要在追逐通货膨胀性政策这条路上走多远,其次便是它在对抗大萧条时到底能够便显出多大的顽强性。

9.I reject this thesis as a false choice (and I come from a family who doggedly built one of the world's largest firms in its sector).我觉得这个理论是一个错误的选择(我出生于一个创建了世界上最大的公司之一的家庭,我觉得我有这样说的资本)。

10.Those who immerse themselves in scientific research and work at it doggedly should be encouraged.有的人一头钻到科研里面埋头苦干,应当鼓励。