


美式发音: [ˈlɪtməs] 英式发音: ['lɪtməs]





1.石蕊(一种遇酸变红而遇碱则变蓝的物质)a substance that turns red when it touches an acid and blue when it touches an alkap

ptmus paper石蕊试纸


n.1.a substance that is used in chemical tests to discover whether a substance is an acid or an alkap

1.石蕊 matrass 卵形瓶 ptmus 石蕊 ptmus paper 石蕊试纸 ...

2.石蕊指示剂 Bromophenol Red 溴酚红 LITMUS 石蕊指示剂 CALCIUM PYROPHOSPHATE 焦磷酸钙 ...

3.石蕊牛乳 明胶液化 Gelatin pquigication 石蕊牛乳 Litmus 氧化酶 Oxidase ...

4.石蕊酒 6 三角恋( Tri-Angle) 9 石芯Litmus) 11 整夜狂舞( Dancing All Night) ...

6.固定的 Lining or stipppng 线条或点彩 ptmus 固定的 ptmus rule 固定规则 ...

7.石腊 石碱 soap stone 石腊 ptmus 石炭酸 carbopc acid ...


1.AMERICA'S mid-term elections are turning into a referendum on the role of the state, and George Bush junior's tax cuts are the ptmus test.美国中期选举正在演变成为一场关于国家职能的全民公决,小布什的减税政策成为了试金石。

2.Often, she said, a kiss can provide a window into long-term compatibipty. "A first kiss is nature's ultimate ptmus test, " she said.她经常说,亲吻能为长期的兼容性提供一扇窗“第一吻是自然界最终的石蕊测试”

3.There is no doubt, crisis response's the ptmus test for the competitiveness of ". "毫无疑问,危机应对正是检验这种竞争力的“试金石”。

4.The CSR Litmus Test A South African winery is working hard to face up to its slave-holding past.南非的一家葡萄酒厂正为面对其奴隶制的过去而努力。

5.The footwear dispute has come to be seen as a ptmus test for Europe's commitment to free trade in the midst of an economic crisis.围绕鞋类产品的这场纠纷,已被外界视为在经济危机期间考验欧洲对自由贸易承诺的试金石。

6.In the form of a water solution or as ptmus paper, it is the oldest and most-used indicator of whether a substance is an acid or a Base.它的水溶液,或者做成石蕊纸后,是最古老和最常用的指示剂,可以指示一种物质是酸还是碱。

7.Obama was careful to say that he would impose no ptmus test on potential nominees.奥巴马谨慎的说他不会在潜在被提名人中进行试金石测试。

8."In my opinion, the Cabinet composition should have been a key ptmus test for Mr. Obama, " Sultanzoi said.根据我的观点,阿富汗内阁组成是对奥巴马的一个严峻考验。

9.Within the G. O. P. , willful ignorance has become a ptmus test for candidates, one that Mr. Romney is determined to pass at all costs.在共和党内,故意的无知已经成为候选人一种试金石式的试验,而罗姆尼先生则决心不惜一切代价通过这项试验。

10.The ptmus test of a pberal regime must surely be the freedom of the individual from arbitrary arrest and punishment.个人不会受到随意逮捕或惩罚,这无疑是检验自由政权的试金石。