




1.考试不及格 pass the exam 考试及格 fail the exam 考试不及格 ▲ example n. 例子,榜 …

2.考试不合格 pass the exam 通过考试 17. fail the exam 考试不合格 18. a shy person 一个害羞的人 21. ...

3.考试失败 of course 当然 17. fail the exam 考试失败 18. take part in 参加 19. ...

4.没通过考试 ... 20. have a strong wish to do 有强烈愿望做 21. fail the exam 没通过考试 22. pass the exam 通过考试 ...

5.考试没通过 ... pass the exam 通过考试,考试及格 fail the exam 考试没通过,考试不及格 do well in an exam 考试考 …

6.没考及格 success 成功 66. fail the exam 没考及格 - pass the exam 考试及格 67. ...

7.考试全都不及格2012-02-14 你没有努力学习,所以这次考试全都不及格fail the exam)英文翻译 2011-02-18 英文翻译 1. 听说他历史考试不及 …


1.You'll be grounded for a week if you fail the exam, and I mean it.如果你考试不及格,你就一个礼拜不能出去玩,我可不是在开玩笑。我们也可以说,

2.He derived some comfort from the fact that he wasn't the only one to fail the exam.得知自己并不是惟一没通过考试的人时,他得到了一些安慰。

3.The total absence of mind caused him to fail the exam.心不在焉致使他考试失败。

4.I have to ask the teacher to give me a break, or else I'll certainly fail the exam.我得求老师放我一马,不然考试我肯定得挂。

5.If the worst comes to the worst and I fail the exam, I'll take it again next year.如果最坏的情况出现,我考试失败,我将在下一年从新开始。

6.Jimmy: Did he fail the exam again? I thought he would pass this time.他考试又没通过吗?我以为他这次会通过的。

7.Much to her depght, her son didn't fail the exam. Instead, he passed.令她感到高兴的是,她的儿子不及格相反,他通过了。

8.Did he fail the exam again? I thought he would pass this time.他考试又不及格了吗?我以为他这次会通过的。

9.My parents will be disappointed in me if I fail the exam.如果我考试不及格,我的父母会失望的。

10.I hope my teacher would be lenient to me, or I would surely fail the exam.我希望老师能对我手下留情,否则我根本过不了考试。