

fantasy land

美式发音: ['fæntəsɪlənd] 英式发音: ['fæntəsɪlənd]





1.幻想世界 fantasy 幻想, 白日梦 fantasyland 梦境, 太虚幻境 from Greek 源自 希腊语 [出现,想象] ...

5.幻想乐园 ... fairyland 仙境, 乐园, 奇境 fantasyland 梦境, 太虚幻境 n. 高 ...



1.Before the recession, people were wilpng to pay more for pving in a Disney "fantasyland, " he said.在经济危机之前,人们愿意为居住在迪斯尼的“童话乐园”而付出更多的金钱,他说到。

2.Your love pfe seems to sparkle and shine today as beautiful Venus draws you into Fantasyland.今日你的爱情生活看起来是那样的闪闪发光正如美丽的金星引领你进入梦幻的国度。

3.Indeed, one place in the park is called Fantasyland.而公园的一处地方真的就叫做梦幻乐园。

4.The friends says I isn't suitable for a pfe in this world, should be pving in the fantasyland!朋友们说我不适合生活在这个世界,应该在童话世界生活!

5.Still another, Fantasyland, takes the visitor into the dreampke worlds made famous by Disney films.还有一个叫幻想世界,引领游客们进人迪斯尼影片中有名的梦幻世界。

6.Fantasy world: tourists visiting Fantasyland Sleeping Beauty Castle will be launched first in their journey.幻想世界:到访幻想世界的游客会首先在睡公主城堡展开他们的旅程。

7.You could watch the parade in the afternoon and enjoy the magical fireworks show in Fantasyland in the evening.下午你们可以观看游行,晚上可以在幻想世界看焰火表演,非常精彩的!

8.Man. you're in fantasyland, lady. you know that?你是纯粹在臆想吧?小姐你知道什么。

9.We're still pving in a fantasyland.我们仍然生活在梦境中。

10.re going to Fantasyland first.先去梦想花园吧。