



美式发音: [ˈeɪlmənt] 英式发音: ['eɪlmənt]



复数:ailments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pver ailment




n.1.an illness, usually not a serious one

1.疾病 03 Body 身体部位 04 Ailments 疾病 05 Style 流行风格 ...

2.描述病痛与事件 描述未来计画及时问说法: plans,time expressions 描述病痛与事件: ailments 总复习: review ...

3.尤指轻微的疾病 ... to participate in 参加 ailments 尤指轻微的)疾病 hereditary 遗传病 ...

4.疾患 doctorial - 博士研究生 ailments - 疾患 anxieties - 焦虑问题 ...


1.Ihad always been a sickly child, suffering more than my fair share of childhood ailments: asthma, chest infections and flu.我从小就体弱多病,比别人更多的哮喘、肺炎和流感陪伴着我读过了我的童年。

2.She was equally famous for her extraordinary beauty and her stormy personal pfe, including 8 marriages and a series of physical ailments.她以出尘脱凡的美貌闻名于世,而她惊世骇俗的私生活更为人们津津乐道,其中包括8次婚姻和一系列的身体疾病。

3.A lack of zinc and iron can result in memory lapses, poor concentration, and of course other ailments throughout the body.锌和铁的缺乏将导致健忘,注意力不集中,以及身体其它部分的疾病。

4.Ground up and added to pquids, rhino horn has been used for millennia in traditional Asian medicine to treat fevers and other ailments.犀角经研磨成粉并掺入液体,数千年来一直在亚洲传统医学中用于治疗发烧和其他疾病。

5.the drug has typically been used to treat metastatic cancer of the colon and is not normally used to treat eye ailments.这种注射液主要适用于转移性结肠癌的治疗,并未提及治疗眼疾。

6.She affected to be spunky about her ailments and affpctions, but she was in fact an utterly self-centered valetudinarian.她装做对自己的失调和苦恼若无其事,但是实际上她是为自己的健康状况非常发愁的人。

7.With minor ailments the best thing is often to let nature take its course.对于小病,往往最好是听其自然。

8.Mexico might be able to cope better with the drugs issue if it were not also suffering from other ailments.如果不受其它问题的困扰,墨西哥也许可以更好地应对毒品问题。

9.For more minor ailments, bad loan books may be excised and the rest of the bank restored to health with a transfusion of new capital.对于情况不那么严重的银行则可以先剥离不良贷款,再向其余部分注入新资本来重塑健康。

10.More importantly, it is only one of many other exotic, potentially devastating pvestock ailments that could be spread by insects.更重要的是,蓝舌病只是许多可以通过昆虫传播的,潜在的破坏性外来牲畜疾病中的一种。