


美式发音: 英式发音: ['træfɪkə(r)]





n.1.奸商 (in);出卖(秘密等)的人

n.1.somebody who traffics in something, especially illegal goods such as drugs or weapons

1.商人 tradition n.传统;惯例 trafficker n.商人;贩子;做(非法)买卖的人 tragedy n.悲剧;灾难…

2.买卖人 开了一家大买卖[ rubbish;wight] 买卖人[ trafficker;businessman;merchant] 买面子[ accommodate] ...

3.贸易商 The drug( 药、滞销品) trafficker贸易商) is concerned( 关心、挂念) ...

4.贩卖毒品者 Burma 缅甸 trafficker 贩卖毒品者 Condoleezza Rice 康多莉扎·赖斯 ...

5.贩子 tradition n.传统;惯例 trafficker n.商人;贩子;做(非法)买卖的人 tragedy n.悲剧;灾难…

6.贩毒分子 73. Tip 倾斜 77. Trafficker 贩毒分子 90. Desertification 沙漠化 ...

7.奸商 pirate 海盗 trafficker 奸商,不法之徒 drug trafficker 毒品走私贩 ...

8.贩卖者 traffic 贸易 trafficker 贩卖者 trafficking in narcotics 私贩麻醉剂 ...


1.Days later, a new BMW X5 SUV, with a bow on top, was left outside her home by the same drug trafficker who was trying to woo her.几天后,就是这位向她求爱的毒贩在她家门口停放了一辆全新的宝马X5SUV车,车顶上还用绸带打了一个结。

2.A MAYOR, a rabbi, and an organ trafficker sounds pke the beginning of a bad joke.一个人是市长、犹太拉比,还是器官走私贩,这听起来像是个很差劲的笑话开场白。

3.MAYOR, a rabbi , and an organ trafficker sounds pke the beginning of a bad joke.一名市长,一个犹太拉比,还有一个身体器官贩卖者似乎是这起恶意玩笑的开始。

4.Popce have been hunting Li, reports added. It was not clear whether the alleged trafficker was in custody.警察已经拘捕了李兴林,报道补充到,商贩是否抓捕仍不清楚。

5.No trafficker has been convicted, but Ms. Ulleque says those arrested will sometimes threaten workers from her organization.没有一个人贩子被证实是有罪的,但是尤里克女士说这些罪犯有时将威胁来自她的组织的工作者。

6.Popce accused a local trafficker of torturing kidnap victims with the reptiles, which are native to parts of Rio de Janeiro.警方指控当地一个走私团伙用爬行动物来折磨人质,这些动物都是里约热内卢原生动物。

7.Accused Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout is now in the U. S. to face terrorism charges.被起诉的俄国武器走私贩ViktorBout现在美国面临恐怖主义控诉。

8.Xing, the trafficker, sees the confiscations as the result of poor planning.在象牙贩子兴看来,这次被查获是规划不周全的结果。

9.A violent drug trafficker in Colombia is behind bars in a luxurious prison in his hometown.哥伦比亚一名暴戾的运毒犯关在他家乡的一所豪华监狱里。

10.Mexico says U. S. authorities have arrested a suspected major drug trafficker in a Washington suburb.墨西哥说,美国当局在华盛顿郊区逮捕了一名重要贩毒嫌疑人。