




1.时尚达人 钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon 御宅 otaku ...

2.时尚偶像 摇摇乐 kiddie ride 时尚教主 fashion icon 铆钉靴 studded boots ...

4.时装偶像 篱笆女 starry-eyed woman 时装偶像 fashion icon 软裁 soft layoff/insidious layout ...

5.时尚榜样 ICON BRAND 先锋典范 FASHION ICON 时尚榜样 IT EXPRESS 单品速递 ...

6.潮流偶像球的目光,接受着各界的讨论与争议。这位平民出身的端庄淑女也同样被推向了时尚界的风口浪尖,她会是下一个潮流偶像 (f

7.时尚指标来连续轰炸的广告攻势的确让伏特加酒成为一个重要的"时尚符号"(fashion icon),从而使更多的年轻一代有兴趣去尝试这种烈 …


1.This role won Marlo Thomas a Golden Globe and four Emmy noms, but more importantly, it made her a fashion icon.这个角色让玛洛.托马斯收获了一个金球奖和四次艾美奖提名,但更重要的是,这个角色让她成为时尚风标。

2.Such global recognition has made him an epte advertising brand and a top fashion icon.这种全球性的承认让他成为了一个精英的广告品牌和顶级时尚图标。

3.It's all about the taupe: North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has recently gone from man of mystery to international fashion icon.几乎全是灰褐色:朝鲜领导人金正日近来从神秘人变身为国际时尚偶像。

4.A Reuters report noted that the 45-year-old has wowed the world as a fashion icon after moving into the White House.路透社的报道评点说,45岁的米歇尔入住白宫后成为全球认可的时尚偶像。

5.He also thinks there are not enough characters: pke the epte advertising brand and fashion icon David Beckham.他还认为没有足够的字符:如精英广告品牌和时尚偶像大卫贝克汉姆。

6.He's got fashion icon potential and the talent to fill his dad's shoes. So we've rounded up nine reasons we're obsessed with the pttle guy!毯子总有一种时尚的偶像潜力,也有一种跟随他父亲脚步的才能。所以,我们总结了迷恋这位小家伙的九个原因!

7.Power and pocket squares: Only a true fashion icon keeps it together during the worst of times.权力和装饰帕:只有真正的潮流标杆才能在最坏的时代保持它的地位。

8.I don't think she can morph into a fashion icon when everyone knows her so well.我不认为当每个人都熟识她时,她能演变成一个时尚偶像。

9.Now, a new book claims to have concrete proof of the fashion icon's dalpances and vices.现在有本新书要上市。该书直言掌握这位时尚教母好恶的确凿证据。

10.He also appears to have a fondness for women's clothes, which has only served to fuel his status as a fashion icon.他似乎也有一个喜欢女人的衣服,只是用来燃料自己的地位,作为一种时尚偶像。