




1.湄公河巨鲶,即将兴建一系列水坝,这将导致世界最大淡水鱼之一的湄公河巨鲶(Mekong giant catfish)灭绝。

2.湄公河巨鲶鱼 施泰纳灌木蛙( Steiner’s Shrub Frog) 湄公河巨鲶鱼Mekong giant catfish) 利文斯敦狐蝠( Livingstone’s Flying Fox) ...

3.湄公巨鲶 Mekong River 湄公河 Mekong Giant Catfish 湄公河大鲶。 Yangtze River 长江 ...

5.湄公河大鲶鱼或者因为筑坝、通航工程和栖息地的破坏受到威胁。有几种鱼成为濒危物种,其中至少有一种:湄公河大鲶鱼Mekong giant


1.The first victim of an ecological crisis could be the Mekong giant catfish, which has been on the ropes for years.这场生态危机的首个受害者可能会是湄公河大鲶,它们已经命悬一线多年。

2.But in the last century the Mekong giant catfish population has decpned by 95 to 99 percent, scientists say.但是据科学家称,在上个世纪,湄公河巨型鲶鱼数量减少了95-99%。

3.Cambodia Fisheries personnel release a Mekong giant catfish in 2005.2005年,柬埔寨渔业部门放生一条湄公河巨型鲇鱼。

4.This is a Mekong giant catfish, the world's largest freshwater fish species, and this species in the wild is critically endangered. . .这是一条湄公河巨型鲶鱼,是世界上最大的淡水鱼类之一,在野外,此物种极度濒危…

5.The Mekong giant catfish is the current record holder based on the catch of a 646-pound specimen in 2005.湄公河巨鲶因一条于2005年捕获的重达646磅的标本而成为了目前的记录保持者。

6.Adult Mekong giant catfish can grow to 650 pounds and almost 10 feet in length.成年的湄公河巨型鲶鱼可长到650磅,约10英尺长。

7.A Thai fishery department official catches a 66-pound (33 kilogram) Mekong giant catfish in 2006.2006年,泰国渔业部门捕获了一条33公斤重的湄公河巨鲶。

8.Three men capture a 591-pound, 5-foot-long Mekong Giant Catfish from the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia, 2000.2002年从柬埔寨洞里萨河上,一个高棉人开船拖着一条重353磅、长8英尺的湄公河巨鲶(学名:Pangasianodongigas)。