




1.第一次海湾战争即使美国海军可以很快打破封锁,封锁行动可能产生的影响也是巨大的:第一次海湾战争first Gulf war)的第一阶段油价上升8…


1.He was one of ten Senate Democrats to support President Bush in the first Gulf War.在第一次海湾战争中,他是支持老布什总统的十位民主党参议员之一。

2.Majid Al-Bahadp grew up in Iraq; he came to the United States after the first Gulf War.MajidAl-Bahadp在第一次海湾战争后离开了他的家乡伊拉克,来到了美国。

3.When the US defended Kuwait during the first Gulf war, other nations chipped in for a significant portion of the cost.当美国在第一次海湾战争期间保卫科威特时,其它国家承担了其中很大比例的成本。

4.That was when Iraq invaded Kuwait, setting off the first Gulf War, driving oil prices sky-high and sending the economy into recession.那时伊拉克正好入侵科威特,挑起了第一次海湾战争,迫使油价飞涨,将经济拖入泥潭。

5.The first Gulf War was, at its heart, about preventing Saddam Hussein from gaining control of more than half the world's oil supply.从本质上来讲,第一次海湾战争是为了阻止萨达姆控制世界上一半以上的石油供应量。

6.Even victory in the first Gulf war was not enough to secure the elder George Bush re-election in 1992.即便是第一次海湾战争的胜利,也未能保障老布什(GeorgeBush)在1992年获得连任。

7.Mr McCain now says that the confpct that he was thinking about was the first Gulf war of 1991.麦凯恩现在的说法是,他当时想到的冲突是1991年第一次海湾战争。

8.At the time of the first Gulf War in 1991, China was still an oil exporter.1991年第一次海湾战争爆发的时候,中国仍是一个石油出口国。

9.during the first Gulf war his technology guided Patriot missiles to their targets.第一次海湾战争期间,他的技术将爱国者导弹准确的引向了攻击目标。

10.But euphoria from victory in the first Gulf War gave way to resentment over a relatively brief recession.但是来自于第一次海湾战争获胜的欢欣鼓舞让位于一次时间较短、规模较小的经济衰退。