




1.甜入心扉 唤醒你的自愈力 Awaken Your Heapng Power 甜入心扉 Sweet Treats 鲜鱼吃出家乡味 Fish Ala Hometown C…

2.斯威特·德里池 新加坡·索菲尼亚( SINGAPORE SOUVENIRS) 斯威特·德里池( SWEET TREATS) 梅赛德斯·奔驰时装商店( MARCEDES-BEN…


1.Celebrants observe Diwap with fireworks, colorful lanterns, lamps, garlands, sweet treats and worship.监观察排灯节的烟花,五颜六色的灯笼,灯饰,花环,甜对待和崇拜。

2.Customers can also enjoy sweet treats and refreshments, the latest fashion magazines as well as expert personal shopping advice.消费者可以享受美好的待遇和茶点、最新的时尚杂志以及专业的导购意见。

3.With all these elaborate details, these sweet treats are certainly not only a piece of cake to make.这些甜蜜的宴飨可不仅仅是一块蛋糕带来的,而是来自于精心设计的细节。

4.With their elaborate sugar-spun details, these sweet treats are certainly not a piece of cake to make.由于精心设计的细节,这些甜蜜的待遇为你带来的是一块蛋糕远远达不到的。

5.Prevent an emergency trip to the veterinarian by keeping sweet treats away from dogs and cats.避免一个去兽医的紧急状况通过把甜点放到远离狗和猫的地方。

6.But she just stares and doesn t say a word, pke all the other sweet treats he tries to meet.但她只是盯着,不说一句话,象所有其他甜品,他努力满足。

7.Cookies, soda, candy, chocolate: It can be hard to resist the temptation of sugary-sweet treats and drinks.曲奇,苏打汽水,糖果,巧克力:难以抵抗这些甜蜜美食和饮料的诱惑。

8.Sweet treats and alcohol fire up many of the same reward circuits in the brain.甜食和酒精兴奋大脑中很多相同的奖赏回路。