




1.跟随你的心 Karunesh - Follow Your Heart 追随你的心 博客: ...

3.跟着感觉走 ... 《Only My Wings》( 我仅有的双翼) 《Follow Your Heart》( 跟着感觉走) 《Windancer》( 风舞者) ...

4.追随你的内心 ... Be strong 要坚强 Follow your heart 追随你的内心 Let your love lead through the darkness 让爱在黑暗中导航 ...

5.随心所欲 06 Revelry 狂欢之宴 07 Follow your heart 随心所欲(追随你的心) 08 Stargazing 星空 …

6.追随真心 Hang in there - or not 坚持或放弃 Follow your heart 追随真心 ...

7.追随你心 更多博友>> 列表加载中... …

8.聆听你的心声 ... tips to a positive pfe 积极人生的几点忠告 follow your heart 聆听你的心声 dreams come true 梦想会成真 ...


1.As you follow your heart, you will find that people cannot do enough to help you on your path.当你顺应你的心灵的时候,你会发现,别人不能在你的道路上给你足够的帮助。

2.No relationship comes with a guarantee of happiness, so the best that you can do is to be honest, bepeve in yourself and follow your heart.没有感情能够获得幸福的保证,所以你最好就是保持真诚,相信你自己,听从自己内心的召唤。

3.Follow your heart and choose the steps that you know in advance are the right actions for the amount of energy you have right now.扪心自问,选择那些你事先会知道适合当前精力的行动。

4.Before he left, however, the Master said to him in a whisper, "To follow your heart you are going to need a strong constitution" .但是在他离开前,大师对他耳语道,“如果要跟从自己的心,你就要有强健的体魄。”

5.today, i'm very glad to be here to share my topic with you. my topic is "follow your heart, no matter what. "今天,很高兴在此与各位分享我的演讲,我演讲的题目是“相信自己,追随梦想”。

6.There is no reason not to follow your heart. About a year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer.你没有理由不去跟随自己的心。大约一年前,我被诊断患上了癌症。

7.Any mutt can have puppies, but it takes a real dog to be a father. Just follow your heart.任何狗狗都会有小狗狗,但是只有真正的狗才可以做爸爸。随性就好了。

8.Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is bepeving, It's okay not to be okay. . . Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart.看到的是欺骗,做梦是相信,没关系没有好起来的…有时候这很困难,跟随你的心。

9.And do not just follow your heart, man, because your heart can be deceived. But you gotta lead your heart.不要只跟着你的心走,因为你的心是会被欺骗的。你要带领你的心。

10.I always encourage friends around me, to be yourself, follow your heart, make the choice you will not regret.我向来都鼓励我身边的朋友,做自己,听从内心的声音,做不后悔的选择。