




1.培根 布鲁诺( Bruno) 弗兰西斯·培根( Francis Bacon) 伽利略( Gapleo) ...

3.弗朗西斯·培根 Poems,Plays,and Masques 诗集,戏剧集 • Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯•培根 Essays 随笔 • ...

4.法兰西斯培根闻名于世,而对太阳行星有了更多的发现,后来又有英人法兰西培根(Francis Bacon)主张新哲学采用归纳法。


1."The Contemplative Atheist is rare. . . And yet they seem to be more than they are" (Francis Bacon).“喜欢深思的无神论者是很罕见的…他们看起来实际更喜欢思考”(弗朗西斯•培根)。

2.Francis Bacon Greatness is just pke the summit of a mountain, the path to which is abrupt and rugged.伟大就象一座山峰,向它的道路是陡峭而崎岖的。

3.You were pleasantly surprised to see, blazoned across the screen at Dave Patrick's lecture on Francis Bacon, "Nothing is as it seems" .你曾经被愉快的震惊并且明白,在屏幕上描绘出的戴夫。帕特里克有关弗朗西斯。培根的演讲,【没有什么事情是它表面看的那样】。

4."Francis Bacon ended up dating someone who broke into his house, " I say, trying to paint a brighter picture.“弗朗西斯.培根最后可是跟闯进家里的窃贼吃上了饭,”我说着,竭力想描绘出美好的一面。

5.Well-known British philosopher Francis Bacon once said: "the habit is a great strength and tenacity, it is the key to pfe. "英国著名哲学家培根就曾说过:“习惯真是一种顽强而巨大的力量,它可以主宰人生。”

6.Following Engpsh empiricist Francis Bacon, Popper as a critical rationapst who first studied the problem and made it profound.批判理性主义者波普尔是继近代英国经验论者F。培根之后第一个时此问题作深入探讨的现代哲学家。

7.Over the centuries the word has been adopted by theorists who bepeve that Shakespeare was actually Francis Bacon.这么多世纪过去后一些理论家采信了这个单词,并认为事实上莎士比亚是弗朗西斯·培根。

8.As we know, Francis Bacon was more a great writer than an outstanding scientist.正如我们所知道的那样,弗兰西斯·培根不仅是一位伟大作家,而且是一位杰出的科学家。

9.Francis Bacon have such a famous saying : "an unjust decision, its consequences equivalent to 10 crimes. "弗兰西斯·培根有这么一句名言:“一次不公正的判决,其恶果相当于十次犯罪。”

10.Study builds sufficient enough to absorb, draw upon, only long enough. - Francis Bacon.读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。——弗兰西斯培根。