




1.分院帽 (Time Turner) 时间转换器 (Sorting hat分院帽 (Parchment) 羊皮纸 ...

2.戴上分院帽ytherin),一年级新生入学后第一件事情,就是戴上分院帽 (Sorting Hat),分院帽会知道你该属于哪一个学院,霍格沃茨四个 …

3.分类帽rin),一 年级新生入学后第一件事情,就是戴上 分类帽(Sorting Hat),分类帽会知道你 该属于哪一个学院,magic, righet :), …

4.戴上分类帽ytherin),一年级新生入学后第一件事情,就是戴上分类帽(Sorting Hat),分类帽会知道你该属于哪一个学院,magic, righet :)…

5.飞天扫帚 Map)活点地图 (Time Turner)时间转换器Sorting hat)分院帽 (Cloak/cape )斗篷、披风 (Parchment)羊皮纸 (Q…

7.魔帽  要参加坦森的虚拟学校,孩子们必须点击魔帽(Sorting Hat),这个有魔法的头盔可以将霍格瓦特的新学生们分派到学校四幢房子 …


1.There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat -- the Sorting Hat.房间里还有一张巨大的桌子,桌角是爪子形的,在桌子后面的一块搁板上,放着一顶破破烂烂的、皱皱巴巴的巫师帽——分院帽。

2.When the Sorting Hat is placed on Harry's head, it starts to assign him to the Slytherin House, but he objects.当这个分院帽戴到了哈里波特的头上时,分院帽要把他分到斯莱特林学院,但是他回绝了。

3.Later in the evening, wizard duels were held, in which kids cast spells at one another by drawing cards from a sorting hat.接着在晚上举行巫师决斗,决斗中孩子们通过从分院帽里抽出卡片来向对方施魔法。

4.According to one of the Sorting Hat's songs (GF12), Salazar Slytherin came from fen, suggesting that he was most pkely from this area.由分院帽唱的歌中我们得知萨拉查·斯莱特林来自大沼泽,因此他很有可能来自这片地区。

5.Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away.麦康娜教授卷起羊皮纸,带着分类之帽走了。

6.The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.分院帽会考虑你的选择的。

7.The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor, didn't it? And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin.分院帽把你选进了格兰芬多,是吗?马尔福在哪里呢?在令人讨厌的斯莱特林。

8.Sorting Hat: Let's see. I know! Hufflepuff!分院帽:让我想想。我知道了!赫奇帕奇!

9.Wouldn't it be cool if we could buy the Sorting Hat?如果我们能买到的分院帽,那岂不是很酷?

10.Be Sorted by the Sorting Hat被分类帽分类