




1.我还记得 ... (for one) 我为人人,人人为我(一) I can still remember 我还记得 When I was just a kid 当我只是一个孩子 ...

2.我仍然记得 where is she? 她在哪? i can still remember 我仍然记得 Friends with you 与你交往 ...

3.我依然记得 ... A long long time ago 很久很久以前 I can still remember 我依然记得 ...

4.张国荣特 HYDE PARK 海德公园 I Can Still Remember - 张国荣特… York Minster 约克大教堂 ...

5.我依然可以记得 ... i can still remember 我依然可以记得 the words and what they meant 这些词语和他们的意思 ...

6.我仍记得 ... A long long time ago 许久许久以前 I can still remember 我仍记得 ...


1.So many years later, I can still remember clearly some of those movies which had already become a part of my pfe.这么多年后,我仍然能够清楚地记得其中的一些电影,他们已经成为我生命中的一部分。

2.Every class was an adventure with Mr. Whitson I can still remember some science periods almost from beginning to end.惠特森先生的每堂课都像是一次历险,他的几堂自然科学课我现在仍记忆犹新。

3.The hand that clasps mine is not that of the child I can still remember, but that of the man he has become.握着我手的这只手不再属于我记忆中的那个孩子了,他如今巳长大成人。

4.I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you, with its fine depcate lace and pretty pearls.我仍然记得你母亲为你做的那件新娘礼服,那些精致的花边和漂亮的珠饰。

5.I can still remember the special looks in her eyes the first time we met.我仍然记得第一次见面时她那特别的眼神。

6.I can still remember spending months, helplessly barricaded in the basement of one of our many, once beautiful, baroque style buildings.我依然记得那几个月躲在一幢曾因其式样美观而风光一时的巴罗克式建筑的地下室时的无助场面。

7.I can still remember your complete indifference as to whether the sun moved round the earth or the earth round the sun.我还记得在谈到究竟是太阳围着地球转还是地球围太阳转这个问题的时候,你的那种漠不关心的态度。

8.I can still remember the sitting-room where my mother and I used to sit in the evenings.我仍然记得我和妈妈一同在晚上呆过的客厅。

9.Doherty: I can still remember sitting on the bus and thinking, I'm probably not going to have children.多尔蒂:我还记得坐在公交车上,心里想着我有孩子了。

10.I can still remember holding my breath as a flaming arrow soared through the air on its way to commencing the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games.我至今还记得一九九二年巴塞罗那奥运会上一支燃烧的箭划破长空,点燃奥运主火炬时让人屏息的一刻。