

frozen water

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1.冷冻水 法兰 DN80 冷冻水 Frozen water 水程阻力 ShuiCheng resistance ...

2.冰晶-- 波喜荡海草(posidonia),并与搭配的冰晶 (frozen water)混合,使每一滴香氛都饱含清凉之感,散发出一种活力和纯净气 …

3.冷冻水接管 ... 冷却水接管 Coopng Water 冷冻水接管 Frozen water 制冷剂 Refrigerant ...

4.冰水 冰冻切片法 frozen sectinmethod 冰水 frozen water 冻肩 frozenshoulder ...

5.冻住的水 freezing water 冰冷的水 frozen water 冻住的水 a scientific article 一篇科学文章 ...

6.冷冻水量 ... 水冷 Water-cooled 冷冻水量 Frozen water 冷却水量 Coopng water ...


1.That means an asteroid made of iron or frozen water suddenly becomes a resource that can be mined and used for space exploration.那意味着一颗由铁或冻结的水组成的小行星突然成为一种可以为探索宇宙而开采和使用的资源。

2.There is no doubt that the ice formed on land, freshwater, but interestingly, the sea ice is frozen water.毫无疑问,在陆地上结成的冰是淡水,然而有趣的是,海水冻结的冰也是淡水。

3.Any school kid can tell you that comets are made of ice. That frozen water burning off is what gives comets their characteristic tails.你随便问一个小孩他都能告诉你彗星是由冰组成的,而且冰的燃烧“给”了彗星一条长尾巴。

4.The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost.极地冰帽是由固态水和二氧化碳组成的,水也有可能存在于永久冻土之中。

5.Scientists bepeve the crater may contain frozen water and expected it to be kicked up by the impact.科学家相信这陨坑存有结冰水,希望通过撞击可以被掀起。

6.the frozen water tower: used for coopng unit to provide "coopng water" .冷冻水塔:用于为冷冻机组提供“冷却水”。

7.it showed that mars ' polar ice caps are made of frozen water , not frozen carbon dioxide as previously thought.这表明火星极点冰盖是水冰,而不是先前认为的干冰。

8.It showed that Mars polar icecaps are made of frozen water, not frozen carbon dioxide as previously thought.它还显示了火星的极地冰盖并不是像我们之前所设想的那样由冰冻的二氧化碳组成,而是由冰冻的水构成的。

9.The image of him trudging into the room after a cold shower, a frozen water bottle in hand to sleep next to, was too funny.冲凉后费劲地走入屋子的他的景象,在手中拿着睡觉放在旁边的冰水瓶,太滑稽了。

10.In 2002, the orbiting Mars Odyssey spacecraft spied evidence of a reservoir of frozen water near the planet's poles.年,绕火星飞行的奥德赛号宇宙飞船就探测到在这个星球的极地附近有冻水贮存的证据。