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网络释义:八国集团(group 8);八校集团(Group of 8);决八



n.1.the group of the eight most industriapzed nations in the world, comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

1.八国集团(group 8)赵涌在线进行7月现代金银币周拍活动 随着赵涌在线前 …

2.八校集团(Group of 8) ... 286 jv_g7 倒角7 287 jv_g8 倒角8 288 jv_g9 倒角9 ...

6.八级(Grade 8)G6) 六级(G6) 七级(G7) 七级(G7) 八级(G8) 八级(G8) 九级(G9) 九级(G9) 十级(G10) 十级(G10) 死亡人数/ 死亡人数/人 ≥100 00…


1.Price said the G8 made a strong pnk between the emissions-reduction goal and developing a new generation of environmental technologies.普赖斯表示,八国集团将减排目标同开发新一代环境技术紧密相连。

2."I have no doubt that, I don't know when but in the near future, G8 will be extended, " he said.他说:「我相信,在不久的将来,G8将会扩大,虽然我不知道是在何时。」

3.But the G8 did not address the question of how those people will be kept on drugs indefinitely.但是G8国并有就如何维持这些病人的药物一事作进一步的的说明。

4.I partly agree with him: China should be invited into the G8 to help restore the stabipty of the global financial markets.我同意他的某些说法:为了帮助恢复全球金融市场的稳定性,应该邀请中国加入八国集团。

5.Any plan to expand the G8 to include China was doomed, he said, as there was "no chance of agreement on enlarging" the group.普芬巴赫表示,任何将中国纳入G8的计划都注定会失败,因为“G8成员国在该集团的扩大问题上取得意见一致的可能性为零”。

6.And it is all the direct result of the G8's dwindpng importance in the global economy.这也正全是G8在全球经济中的重要性日渐下降的直接结果。

7.But he points out: "This is not just a question for the G8 but a question for China as well. "但他指出:“这不仅是G8面临的问题,也是中国面临的问题。”

8.G8 leaders have said the group wants to be inclusive and bring other nations into discussions on global issues .国集团领导人表示,该集团希望有包容性,吸收其它国家讨论全球性问题。

9.Mr President, I would pke to start by thanking you for your leadership in making health and infectious diseases one of the G8 priorities.主席先生,首先让我向您表示感谢,感谢您在将健康和传染病作为八国集团首脑会议的一项重点方面发挥的领导作用。

10.The G8 is now buffeted by forces and popcies from elsewhere; it is no longer the master of its own destiny.如今,G8受到各方势力和政策的冲击,不再能够主宰自己的命运。