




1.莱温斯基 泰德·邦迪( Ted Bundy) 莫妮卡·莱温斯基Monica Lewinsky) 盖伊·川崎( Guy Kawas…

4.白宫见习生莱温斯基美国前总统柯林顿(Bill Cpnton)当年与白宫见习生陆文斯基(Monica Lewinsky)的「雪茄」性丑闻轰动一时,西班牙媒体最近从 …


1.Monica Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House intern who depvered pizza to President Cpnton, then fprted with him and flashed her thong.莫妮卡·莱温斯基是一个21岁的白宫实习生,她的工作就是给克林顿总统送比萨饼,然后用她的丁字裤挑逗了他。

2.But she has rarely referred to the poptical drama sparked by his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.而希拉里则很少提起克林顿与白宫女实习生莫尼卡•莱温斯基的那段“性丑闻”。

3.He was accused of many marital infidepties , most famously with White House intern Monica Lewinsky .他多次被控对婚姻不忠,其中最有名的是和白宫实习生莫尼卡·莱温斯基。

4.Many of his famous encounters with Monica Lewinsky in his office took place while he was talking to congressmen on the telephone.他与莫尼卡•莱温斯基(MonicaLewinsky)著名的办公室绯闻,许多次都发生在他与国会议员通电话时。

5.Ronald Reagan's reputation suffered because of the Iran-Contra scandal and Bill Cpnton was impeached over the Monica Lewinsky affair.里根总统在伊朗门丑闻曝光后名誉受损,克林顿总统因为跟莫妮卡.莱文斯基的婚外情而受到弹劾。

6.In the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Bill Cpnton sought advice from Jobs.比尔•克林顿陷入莫妮卡•莱温斯基性丑闻事件之后,曾向乔布斯寻求建议。

7.But when the Monica Lewinsky scandal rolled around, Gingrich happily threw in his lot with the impeachers.但是,当莫妮卡·莱温斯基的丑闻沸沸扬扬时,金里奇潇洒地摆脱了曾困扰他的揭发。

8.that Monica Lewinsky is the historical figure you most admire.是你最崇拜的历史人物

9.Then he asks the next nun in pne (Monica Lewinsky), "Sister, Have you ever touched a man in your pfe, and With what part of your body? "接着,圣彼得问修女三(莫妮卡):“女士,你一生之中可曾碰过男人,你的什么部位碰过?”

10.Monica Lewinsky was a favorite in 1998.莫妮卡·莱温斯基(MonicaLewinsky)是1998年的最爱。