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英文单词:全局二级存储服务(Global Access to Secondary Storage);加斯;盖斯


GASS显示所有例句n.非固体╱液体not solid/liquid

1.[c][u]气体any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen and oxygen are both gases

Air is a mixture of gases.空气为混合气体。

CFC gases含氯氟烃气体

a gas bottle/cylinder(= for storing gas)气瓶;气罐

2.[u]气体燃料;煤气;天然气a particular type of gas or mixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking

a gas cooker/fire/furnace/oven/ring/stove燃气灶;煤气取暖器;煤气锅炉;煤气烤箱;煤气灶火圈;煤气炉

a gas explosion/leak气体爆炸;煤气泄漏

gas central heating燃气中央供暖系统

Preheat the oven to gas mark 5(= a particular temperature of a gas oven) .把烤炉预热至 5 挡。

3.[u](外科手术用)麻醉气a particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less

an anaesthetic gas麻醉气体

During the birth she was given gas and air.她分娩时医生给她吸了麻醉混合气体。

4.[u](战争用)毒气;(警察用)瓦斯a particular type of gas used in war to kill or injure people, or used by the police to control people

a gas attack毒气攻击

车辆in vehicle

5.[u]汽油a liquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.

a gas station加油站

a gas pump加(汽)油泵

to fill up the gas tank加满油箱


6.[sing]有趣的人(或事物)a person or an event that is fun

The party was a real gas.这次聚会真有趣。

in stomach

7.[u](随食物或饮料)吞下的气;胃气;肠气air that you swallow with food or drink; gas that is produced in your stomach or intestines that makes you feel uncomfortable

v.用毒气杀死╱伤害kill/harm with gas

1.[t]~ sb/yourself用毒气杀伤;使吸入毒气to kill or harm sb by making them breathe poisonous gas


2.[i](informal)闲聊;空谈;瞎扯to talk for a long time about things that are not important

1.全局二级存储服务(Global Access to Secondary Storage)味的咖啡,而是一种令人愉快的体验。负责饮料业务的副总裁加斯(Gass)说:“我们很少仅仅谈产品。咖啡馆里的东西只不过是 …

3.盖斯 Dirt Killer( 灰尘杀手的意思) 盖斯 Gass 护格斯 Gus Care ...

4.气体 ... liquid = 液体 gass = 气体 energy = 能量 ...


1.Sergeant John Gass says the child was soaked with sweat and had a rope tied to one of his ankles.警官JohnGass说这个孩子浑身都被汗水浸湿了。脚踝上绑着绳子。

2.As a critic, Gass holds himself up to this standard as well.作为评论家,Gass把标准也应用到了自己头上。

3.In the book's second section, Gass delves into politics with characteristic zeal and uncharacteristic topicality.该书的第二部分,Gass以特有的热情、偏门的话题迈向政治领域。

4.For five decades, Gass has searched out challenging and unforgiving works of fiction, often reaching beyond these shores to uncover them.五十年来,Gass搜寻出不少挑战性的、令人印象至深的小说作品,通常还越出这一领域以揭示它们。

5.Zheng Zizhen, a demographer at the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences (GASS), says even a modest change would help.广东省社会科学研究院(GASS)的人口统计学家郑子珍说,即便是适度的变化都会有用。

6.Britain's Foreign Office defended the decision to send Gass to the ceremony.英国外交部为派遣Gass出席典礼进行辩解。

7.Experiments manifest the GASS and FSEL also has better effectiveness on the high-dimensional genetic data.实验效果表明GASS算法和FSEL算法对于高维基因数据也有较好的效果。

8.The GASS algorithm makes subspace selection for high-dimensional features, and eliminates useless subclassifier;GASS算法通过将高维特征进行子空间选择,并过滤掉相关性大的子分类器;

9.WHen money tries to buy beauty it tends to purcHase a kind of courteous kitscH(William H. Gass)当金钱要购买美丽时它将会买到一种谦恭的庸俗艺术(威廉H.加斯)

10.Coal field gass is rich in Heilongjian Province and all had been layout to the air in the past, not only was waste but also pollute the air;黑龙江省瓦斯资源丰富,过去全部排放大气中,这不仅造成资源浪费,而且污染空气;