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英文单词:内容管理系统(Content Management System);网站内容管理系统;内容管理系统(Content Management Systems)



1.内容管理系统(Content Management System)淀粉钠用途,羧甲基淀粉钠作用,羧甲基淀粉钠保证质量羧甲基淀粉钠(CMS)是变性淀粉的代产品,属醚类淀粉,是一种水溶 …

5.羧甲基淀粉(Carboxy methyl starch)羧甲基淀粉(CMS)1:产品性能羧甲基淀粉CMS)是变性淀粉的代产品,属醚类淀粉,是一种水溶性阴离子高分子型化合 …


1.When a CMS is in place, it is relatively easy to add content and features to a site.当CMS就位时,向站点添加内容和特性变得相对简单。

2.Dealing with text delivered by a content management system, however, is a different kettle of fish and would need some sort of automation.然而在处理内容管理系统(CMS)中的文本内容时,情况又完全不同了,我们需要一些程序的自动化处理。

3.the CMS is nothing but a back end system where changes are made, and these changes reflect on the front end of the site.CMS仅仅是一个后端系统,在那里可以做出改变,这些改变在网站的前端表现出来。

4.A modern CMS provides analytic feedback and can point to areas of your community that are either used heavily or not at all.现代的CMS提供分析反馈,可用于指出社区中使用率很高或很低的区域。

5.The CMS experiment is one of two geared for a variety of tasks, including finding the elusive Higgs boson.CMS的实验是二分之一的各种任务,包括寻找希格斯玻色子的难以捉摸的面向。

6.What makes Joomla! such a strong CMS is its extensible application interface.Joomla!的主要特点是可扩展的应用程序接口。

7.Historically there has been a difference between document management systems and CMSs ? , but mostly these two systems have converged.历史上,文档管理系统和CMS系统是有区别的,最终这两个系统合并了。

8.For users ready to begin trading forex , we recommend opening a live account with CMS .如果您准备进行外汇交易,我们推荐您在cms开设一个真实帐户。

9.In an SCC, several of these tasks require that the shared disk configuration be changed or that the CMS resource model be updated.在单一副本群集中,其中几项任务要求更改共享磁盘配置或更新群集邮箱服务器的资源模型。

10.Payout Structure: Within the CMS we would like the checkout period to be easier.支出结构:在不育系我们希望结帐期间更容易。