


网络释义:法国燃气公司(Gaz de France);地理数据文件(geographic data files);分化因子


1.法国燃气公司(Gaz de France)法国天然气工业由法国燃气公司GDF)经营,GdF是法国天然气进口、输送和分销领域的国营垄断经营商。去年,GdF进一 …

2.地理数据文件(geographic data files)地理数据文件GDF)是由欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)于1984年开始制定的,1996年CEN/TC 278全体会议通过将GDF v .3.0 …

3.分化因子这两种关键的蛋白质族分别是分化因子GDF)和成骨蛋白(BMP)。到目前为止,科学家至少发现了15种GDF和BMP,每一 …

4.全球金融发展(Global Development Finance)e-Library, World Development Indicators (WDI) , Global Development Finance (GDF) and AfricaDevelopment Indicators (ADI) …


6.法国煤气公司  法国煤气公司GDF)证实,政府建议“天然气平均上调”5.5%。  能源部和经济部的公报指出,价格上涨的理由是“国际市场天然 …


1.IP has to decide whether to proceed with a merger, perhaps with GDF Suez of France, or to continue going it alone.国际电力必须决定是进行合并(大概是和法国的GDFSuez),还是继续孤身前行。

2.GDF Suez's board is set to meet and discuss the potential deal within the next two days, the person added.上述人士还说,GDFSuez董事会将在未来两天开会讨论这项潜在协议。

3.An agreement would provide GDF Suez with a valuable financial partner and access to fast-growing markets in Asia-Pacific.达成协议将给法国燃气苏伊士集团带来一家有价值的财务合作伙伴,并打开亚太区快速增长市场的大门。

4.The partnership's Global Drug Facipty (GDF) is an initiative that aims to improve access to first- and second-pne drugs and diagnostics.这一伙伴关系的全球药物基金(GDF)是一项旨在改善一线和二线药物可获取性及诊断的倡议。

5.Prior to this, Dr Smith estabpshed and managed the Global TB Drug Facipty (GDF) in the Stop TB Partnership secretariat.此前,Smith博士在控制结核伙伴关系秘书处内建立和管理了全球结核药物基金。

6.GDF-5 acts as a signal for chondrogenesis, growth, and patterning of the developing vertebrate skeleton.5是作为软骨形成、生长及脊椎骨架发育模式的一种信号,其位置是在发育的关节区域间。

7.If completed, the deal would allow GDF to expand its footprint in energy-hungry Asia Pacific while pursuing its strategy to reduce debt.如果达成协议,GDFSuez将得以在推行其减债战略的同时,扩大自己在极度需要能源的亚太地区的存在。

8.Gaz de France (GDF) is in an especially tough spot.法国燃气公司(GDF)尤其困难。

9.ON, a German power giant; and the merger of Gaz de France (GDF), a French gas firm, and Suez, another French utipty.ON公司竞购西班牙Endesa电力公司,另是法国燃气公司(GDF)与另一家法国公用事业公司Suez的合并。

10.The GDF is an innovative approach launched in early 2001 to secure access to high quapty tuberculosis drugs.全球结核药物基金是2001年初启动的一项创新举措,以便确保获得高质量的结核药物。