


网络释义:地产公司(General Growth Properties);谷氨酰转移酶;地球动力学计划


1.地产公司(General Growth Properties)组以武汉、丽江和拉萨三台超导重力仪为依托,联合全球地球动力学计划GGP)中超导重力观测资料和国际VLBI服务组织 …


1.CIC has signed a separate confidentiapty agreement, according to people close to the matter, indicating it might join a GPP bid.据知情人士透露,中投公司签署了一项单独的保密协议,表明它可能会加入GGP竞购。

2.In founding GGP, we decided to combine the strength of the fair trade movement with the power of small-scale enterprise and development.在创建GGP的时候,我们决定把小规模企业与发展陈果的力量与公平贸易运动的长处结合在一起。

3.The main tasks of the global geodynamics project (GGP), organized by International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), are introduced.本文介绍国际大地测量与地球物理联合会(IUGG)组织实施的“全球超导重力仪观测用于地球动力学研究计划(GGP)”。

4.The Grain for Green Project(GGP) is a vital ecological project, which aims for better environment and national ecological security.退耕还林工程是一项旨在增加林草植被、减少水土流失的重大生态工程。

5.GGP is a real estate investment trust (REIT) which operates over 200 shopping centers from Hawaii to Maine.GGP就是房地产投资信托,从夏威夷到缅因GGP管理了超过200家购物中心。

6.General Growth Properties (GGP), the nation's second largest mall operator, warned of solvency issues yesterday.一般财产权增长值(简称GGP,国家第二大商场的操作员,昨天被警告偿债的商讨。

7.Equity in the mall owner, which is traded over the counter, has risen to around $7 a share from less than a dollar.在场外市场交易的GGP股票,其价格从不足1美元升至7美元左右。

8.During the darkest days of the financial crisis, the value of GGP's unsecured debt fell below 10 cents on the dollar.在金融危机最严重的时期,GGP面值1美元的无担保债券跌破了10美分。

9.Chapter Seven offers advices to maintain the implement of GGP and ensure food security.第七章,提出巩固退耕还林工程成果和保障粮食产量的对策措施。

10.GGP found that it simply could not roll over its debts because of a lack of pquidity.GGP发现由于缺乏流动性而不能周转它的债务。