


美式发音: ['ɔ:ksɪn] 英式发音: ['ɔ:ksɪn]






1.(植物)生长素a hormone found in plants


n.1.a natural plant hormone or synthetic substance that affects the growth and development of all plant parts

1.生长素 ▲authenticity 确实性,真实性 auxin 茁长素,植物激素 author 作家,创造者 ...

4.生长激素 asymmetric flower 不对称花 auxin 植物激素 Adventitious bud 不定芽 ...

8.植物激素生长素植物激素生长素Auxin)在植物发育中起着至关重要的作用,充当着多方面的协调信号调节了包括雌配子体图式形成、胚胎发 …


1.Endogenous auxin is often distributed asymmetrically throughout the plant, accumulated in certain tissues and cells.生长素的极性运输导致其积累在某些局部组织和细胞内,形成特定梯度分布。

2.Researchers have known since the nineteen thirties that the actively growing tip of a plant releases a hormone called auxin.从十九世纪三十年代,研究人员已经知道植物活跃的生长锥释放一种称之为auxin的荷尔蒙。

3.An auxin increases the growth in length of a plant cell, thus causing the curving of a stem, or roof, in phototropism and geotropism.植物生长素能加快植物细胞长势,因此使茎弯曲向着阳光,或使根深扎入土。

4.It is inconsistent to attribute such a short lag period to a result of an auxin effect on gene activity.将如此短暂的延迟期归结为生长素作用于基因活性的结果走不合适的。

5.For long-term tissue cultures of domestic carrot the only requirement for adventive embryogeny was addition of an auxin.栽培的胡罗卜进行长期组织培养时,对不定胚发生的唯一要求是加进植物生长素。

6.Phytohormones, especially auxin, play essential roles in coordination of these two regulation mechanisms.植物激素,尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。

7.Researchers have known since the 1930s that the actively growing tip of a plant releases a hormone called auxin.研究者自上个世纪30年代就已经知道植物活跃生长的尖端产生一种名为生长素的激素。

8.When the top of the main shoot is removed -- by pruning or breakage -- the auxin is no long produced.当主芽的顶端被修剪或受到损坏时,将不能再分泌生长素。

9.Auxin is now known to be a key regulator of polar events in plant cells.生长素是目前已知的一个关键调节极性事件的植物细胞。

10.Normally, the T-DNA region contains genes for auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis and for amino acid and sugar derivative production.通常T-DNA区都含有生长素和细胞分裂素合成基因以及氨基酸和糖类衍生物合成基因。