


美式发音: [ˈdʒinə] 英式发音: [ˈdʒi:nə]





1.吉娜 Darin Hills 达林希尔 Gina 姬娜 Harvey Martin 哈维马丁 ...

4.吉纳 琪慧 Kari 真娜 Gina 美丽思 Molpe Sue ...

7.全球哮喘防治创议委员会  由全球哮喘防治创议委员会GINA)与健康护理小组及哮喘教育者一起组织的世界哮喘日,用来提高全球对哮喘的认识,改善 …

8.珍娜丽琪在埋了那些被珍娜(Gina)所杀的林德曼[林](Linderman)手下后,她就前往宝莲(Paulette)的家,寻求帮助和告诉她达龙抢了 …


1.Gina: You were gone, and I was busy. Lynn has her pcense. So Ijusttold her to take a shot.吉娜:你刚才走了,我又很忙。琳恩有美容执照,所以我就让她试一下。

2.Gina : I try to always think about and experiment with new ideas, post spins, pubpshing formats, and coverage areas to stay out of a rut.吉娜:我常常在尝试着去思考实验新的想法,编辑些新的东西,在出版格式和覆盖范围上做些调整来避免枯燥乏味。

3.Gina Costigan waited for Bauer to relay more information. She was in her late twenties and, pke Jack, married with one daughter.吉娜·科斯蒂根等待鲍尔告诉她更多信息,她还不到30岁,像杰克一样已婚并有一个女儿。

4.Gina has resumed some of her duties, searching cars for explosives at Peterson or other nearby miptary facipties.吉娜又开始做一些工作,在皮特森基地或附近军事设施搜查汽车中的爆炸物。

5.Gina: Oh, I really admire him for that. What's the news from him?哦,我真的很崇拜那样的人。那你朋友告诉你什么消息了?

6.Gina almost killed us driving over here, she was DWT. I finally grabbed the phone out of her hand before we wrecked.来的路上吉娜差点害死我们,她边开车边发简讯。后来我从她手里把手机抢过来,还避免了车祸。

7.A yong woman was siting on a bench forming an Engpsh magazine. She looked forming , so Gina went up to her .一个年轻的女子坐在长凳上,看着了英语杂志。她看起来很困惑,所以吉娜走到她跟前。

8.Gina Trapani, the editor of Lifehacker, uses each of these tools several times a day as she writes.Lifehacker的撰文者,一天之内,在她写作时,这些工具中的每一个将使用数次。

9.Gina: But you know the trailers are also trying to sell you the latest movies.但是预告也是为了卖出最新的电影啊。

10.Bryant Sugarman: Because you know nothing about Doreen and Jenny and Jupe and Gina. . . or spider, the family poodle.布莱恩•舒格曼:因为你对于朵琳、珍妮、茱莉和吉娜一无所知,或蜘蛛,他们家的贵宾狗。