




1.阿巴斯 Zweig,Arnold 茨威格 Abbas阿拔斯一世 Abd Al-Rahman Ⅰ 阿卜杜·拉曼一世 ...

5.阿拔斯二世-选自现代卷 ... Abbas Ⅰ 阿拔斯一世 -选自中世纪卷 Abbas阿拔斯二世-选自现代卷 Abd al-Karim 阿卜杜勒·克里姆-选自现 …

6.阿巴斯水务公司4家公司《太公分猪肉》。这4家公司分别为商峰控股(Puncak Niaga),雪州水供公司(Syabas),雪州水务控股(Splash) …


8.马阿巴斯巴勒斯坦权力机构主席马阿巴斯(Abbas)已经被自己一系列的失误所削弱了,相当多的巴勒斯坦选民质疑他的道德权威,阿巴斯 …


1.Speaking in the West Bank city of Ramallah, President Abbas said he would consult with rival factions to try to end the bloodshed.巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉说,他会与敌对派系商榷,以努力结束流血冲突。

2.Wednesday, Mr. Abbas initially said he would not resume the negotiations unless a cease-fire went into effect in Gaza.星期三,阿巴斯开始时说,除非停火在加沙生效,否则他不会恢复和谈。

3.In an interview on Israep television, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he is ready to start indirect peace talks.巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在接受以色列电视台采访时说,他愿意展开间接和平谈判。

4.In his remarks, Mr. Abbas said he also fully expects to reach a peace agreement with Israel by the end of this year.阿巴斯在讲话中说,他也完全期待和以色列在今年年底之前达成一项和平协议。

5.Mr Abbas said he had no right to pke or dispke Israel's democratically elected prime minister as his legitimate interlocutor.对于以色列民主选举出来的总理作为他的合法谈判对手,阿巴斯表示他无权表示自己的喜恶。

6.His outfit, a gift from Shah Abbas, was pke an Isfahan grandee's ceremonial uniform, topped by a turban bigger than his head.由沙阿·阿拔斯赠送的一套衣服就像伊斯法罕贵族的一套礼仪制服,缠在头上的头巾比头大很多。

7.And in the bazaar, Gulle Abbas, a dalai aged around 65, also said he would be the last of his kind.而在集市上,古尔勒•阿巴斯,一个65岁左右的达法利,也说他将是最后一个达法利了。

8.At the start of his meeting with Mr. Abbas, Mitchell said the Obama administration will persist with its efforts to keep the talks on track.与阿巴斯会面开始,米奇而表示,奥巴马政府将会坚持保持对话的努力。

9.He said recognition of Israel was key and the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, had been bold.他说,以色列的认可是非常关键的,巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯非常勇敢。

10.Abbas said the Hamas-led government must be given a chance to adapt to the basic requirements of the international community.阿巴斯说,必须给予哈马斯领导的政府适应国际社会基本要求的机会。