



美式发音: [ˈɡɪni] 英式发音: ['ɡɪni]





n.1.【国】几内亚;几内亚共和国,位于非洲西部2.几内亚3.畿尼4.〈口〉同“guinea fowl”1.【国】几内亚;几内亚共和国,位于非洲西部2.几内亚3.畿尼4.〈口〉同“guinea fowl”

n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Guinea, located in western Africa2.<spoken>Same as guinea fowl3.a unit of money or a gold coin used in Britain in the past, worth £1.05

1.金币危险。其中一个贵族转向另一个贵族说道:‘我赌100几尼guineas)他会掉下来。’‘就这样说定了。’另一个回答道。带着这个 …

3.英国一千坚尼 2000 Guineas 英国二千坚尼 1000 Guineas 英国一千坚尼 Jockey Club Stakes 赛马会锦标 ...

4.英国二千坚尼 Leicestershire Stakes 莱斯特郡锦标 2000 Guineas 英国二千坚尼 1000 Guineas 英国一千 …

5.几尼金币推荐的报酬标准是:刽子手执行一次死刑可获十个旧英国几尼金币guineas),外加一张三等车厢火车票。旧时英国货币体 …

6.畿尼 白色花图片 White flowers 3 几尼图片 guineas 马利筋爆炸图片 Milkweed explosion ...

8.英国金币名 ... gr.wt. = gross weight 毛重 gs. = guineas 英国金币名 g.t.c. = good till cancelled 取消前有效 ...


1.How the guineas shone as they came pouring out of the dark leather mouths!那些钱从黑皮袋口一倒出来,多么金光闪闪啊!

2.Having won twenty guineas at whist, and taken leave of his friends, Phileas Fogg, at twenty-five minutes past seven, left the Reform Club.牌打完了,福格赢了二十个基尼金币,七点二十五分,福格告别了他的朋友们,离开了改革俱乐部。

3.Because he could put down three hundred guineas and keep himself for five years Phipp had the chance of a career.因为菲利浦能交纳三百几尼,保证了他五年内不必担心没有工作,菲利浦则有了干一番事业的机会。

4.'Silver has gone, 'he told us, 'but not empty-handed. He's taken one of the bags of coins, perhaps worth three or four hundred guineas. '“西尔弗跑了,”他说,“但不是空手走的,他带走了一袋子金币,大概值三四百畿尼。”

5.I would lay fifty guineas the letter was of his own writing.我愿拿五十个几尼打赌,那封信是他自己写的。

6.Harry Beck, designer of the tube map in 1933, was only paid five guineas for his original job.1933年,哈利·贝克设计了地铁图,这个原创性的工作只得到了五畿尼的报酬。

7.I would not have taken five guineas for it! '我真不应该花五几尼把它买回来!

8.I wouldn't take ten thousand guineas for that bird .就是给我一万个金币,我也不会卖那只鸟。

9.Thus I brought home seventy-three guineas, and let my old governess see what good luck I had at play.于是我带回了七十三个金币,让我的老保姆看看我赌钱的运气有多么好。

10.All the while I was wondering why he had parted with his precious guineas.我一直弄不懂他为什么会舍得放弃他那些宝贵的金币。