




1.防火长城而我国的防火长城Great FireWall)则是第一、第二种,是通过将部分网址或IP地址加入到防火墙的黑名单里来达到让国内无 …

2.防火墙防火墙Great Firewall)"的网络过滤装置,其封锁的范围不断扩大,封锁技术前一消息 按主题浏览 按日期浏览 下一消息 分享 …

3.长城防火墙中国素来以长城防火墙Great Firewall)防堵境内民众造访因国家政策而封锁的网站,而Facebook正是被封锁的网站之一。然 …

4.超级防火墙这是目前中国超级防火墙(great firewall)对外国互联网的态度。64那一年,我小学四年纪,也是我第一次真正感受到什么叫热血 …

5.大防火墙这是中国的大防火墙great firewall)造成的。"大防火墙是中国政府设置的网络

6.网络防火墙每次回到中国我都感到很沮丧,而网络防火墙Great Firewall)让我更加不快。事实上,越来越多的网站需要审核和只能上虚 …

7.中国防火墙“中国防火墙”(Great FireWall)是国家对信息进行精密控制的又一个例子,它有权对特定的网址和内容网络进行精确封锁。通 …


1.Tired of the controls, many Chinese have learned to get around "the Great Firewall, " or GFW, as the system is known.由于厌恶网络控制,许多中国网民学会了翻越网络防火墙,GFW是此套系统的通称。

2.The government's controls over what its citizens can see onpne is often referred to as the "Great Firewall of China. "中国政府用来控制本国公民网上浏览的手段通常让人联想到“中国国家防火墙”。

3.So would some sort of relationship with Baidu be one of those "specific things" which might break Facebook through the great firewall?与百度之间结成某种关系,是否属于可能帮助Facebook突破“防火长城”的“具体事情”之列?

4."So far, the GFW [Great Firewall] is lagging behind and still needs improvement, " said the man known as its father.“目前,GFW[防火长城]已经落伍,仍需改善。”GFW之父说。

5.Meanwhile, the Great Firewall has also been busy trying to block all references to the event.与此同时,国家防火墙也已经在忙碌地屏蔽所有提及此事的网络内容。

6.In that case, Google first blamed itself, citing a technical change, then faulted the Great Firewall-just as service returned to normal.那次谷歌先是归咎于自身,说是缘于一次技术更新,过后等服务回归正常时又将其归因于防火长城。

7.The great firewall is overloaded and that is why the authorities are trying to move the focus of control to the desktop.长城防火墙现已不堪重负,所以当局试图将监控重点移至个人电脑。

8.China is still behind the infamous Great Firewall, the system that filters and censors websites with poptically sensitive content.中国依然蜷缩在声名不佳的防火墙后面,借由这一系统对含有敏感政治内容的网站进行审查和过滤。

9.According to the Great Firewall site, its Chinese version, google. cn, is also blocked while that of China-sanctioned Baidu is not.据中国防火长城网站表示,Google的中文版google网址被屏蔽也被阻拦了,而中国认可的“百度”则没有。

10.So my feepng is that this is an attempt to shore up the great firewall which doesn't work a lot of the time.所以我感觉这是在试图加固常常起不到作用的‘大防火墙’。