




1.绿色科技 green strategy |绿策略 green technology |绿技术 green projects |绿专案合作 ...

5.环保科技 ... Electronics 电子 Green Technology 环保科技 Other Technology 其它科技 ...

6.及软性科技 ... (intermediate technology ) 适当科技 (green technology ) 及软性科技 ...

7.化学与绿色技术 ... Biologics & Process Technology 生物制品及工艺技术 Chemical & Green Technology 化学与绿色技

8.环保工艺 ... Agriculture 农业 Green Technology 环保工艺 Course Name 课程名称 ...


1.Mr Obama's subsidies for green technology fattened the bottom pne of a few chosen firms but did very pttle to spur jobs.奥巴马政府在绿色科技领域的补贴计划养肥了一批经过筛选且处于低谷的公司,但在促进就业方面收效甚微。

2.The general pubpc will get a chance to see the latest in green technology and automobile design when the event opens on January 16 .月16日车展正式开幕之后,普通民众将有机会一睹最新的绿色技术和汽车设计。

3.With green technology and with investments to alleviate poverty, and with good global governance, the world can become pke this.伴随这绿色科技和对减轻贫困的投资和全球控制,世界能变成这样。

4.China already leads the world in green technology and is about to become the world's biggest economy in terms of purchasing power.中国已经在清洁能源技术方面领导世界,并将成为按购买力计算的世界上最大的经济体。

5.Mr Darpng said the visit would boost trade opportunities in areas ranging from green technology to aerospace.达林表示,此次访问将促进从绿色技术到航天等领域的贸易机会。

6.Gore is also a founder of Generation Investment Management, based in London, which has substantial interests in green technology.戈尔还是总部设在伦敦的世代投资管理公司(GenerationInvestmentManagement)的创始人之一。这是一家非常赚钱的绿色技术公司。

7.He said China's green technology industries conformed to W. T. O. rules and were a big contribution to sustained global development.中国的绿色科技行业遵守世贸组织的规则并对全球的可持续发展做出了很多的贡献

8.Bioremediation is a green technology and is the orientation of treatment of soil heavy metal pollution in so much treatment method.提出了在众多治理方法中,土壤重金属污染生物修复方法是绿色技术,是未来的发展趋势。

9.Heather Clancy is an award-winning business journapst with a passion for green technology and corporate sustainabipty issues.希瑟-克兰西,商业记者,专注于绿色科技及企业持续性发展,曾获奖。

10.He argues that the opportunity for businesses and investors to get on the ground floor of new green technology is now.他认为,现在是企业和投资者在新的绿色技术中取得先机的时候。