





2.公有云a / BMC也将被云时代抛弃;私有云(IBM)和公有云Rackspace)最可能成功,也看好Mirantis、Red Hat。

3.网络托管公司存储空间iversity of London)以云计算公司存储空间Rackspace)的名义进行。


1.That may have to do with concerns regarding the project's future development and Rackspace's too large involvement in project's governance.发生这种状况可能是因为大家的担心,担心项目未来的发展,以及Rackspace对项目的监管参与过多。

2.Mosso, a subsidiary of the well-known hosting provider The Rackspace Cloud, has a few different offerings in cloud computing.Mosso是著名的托管服务提供商TheRackspaceCloud的子公司,它提供几种不同的云计算服务。

3.I've found Rackspace are about as good as any other provider at smaller scales.我发现Rackspace在小范围情况下的表现与其他提供者一样。

4.In July, Rackspace made its Cloud Files code open source and will collaborate with partners, including NASA, in a project called OpenStack.七月,Rackspace开放其“云文件”代码,并与包括NASA在内的伙伴围绕OpenStack项目展开合作。

5.The company is focusing on Cloud management and has been recently acquired by Rackspace.CloudKick公司关注于云管理,最近被Rackspace公司收购了。

6.I think that Rackspace is trying to control OpenStack rather than influence it.我认为Rackspace正在试图控制OpenStack,而不是影响它。

7.Rackspace says it operates nearly 64, 000 servers globally, but notes that only some are used for IaaS.Rackspace则称他们在全球运行的服务器将近6万4千个,同时指出其中只有一部分用作IaaS服务的。

8.RackSpace recently pubpshed a survey on cloud hosting.RackSpace最近发布了一份有关云托管(cloudhosting)的调查。

9.Some of renting server capacity from vendors such as Amazon AWS and Rackspace.有些从AmazonAWS和Rackspace这样的供应商那里租用服务器能力。

10.Rackspace will supply $20, 000 worth of web hosting to each company.Rackspace也将为他们中的每一家企业提供价值20,000美元的网络托管业务。