



美式发音: [strʌt] 英式发音: [strʌt]




复数:struts  过去式:strutted  现在分词:strutting  同义词





1.[i]趾高气扬地走;高视阔步to walk proudly with your head up and chest out to show that you think you are important

The players strutted and posed for the cameras.运动员昂首阔步,摆好姿势让记者拍照。

IDMstrut your stuff(informal)(尤指在跳舞或表演时)卖弄自己那一套,露一手to proudly show your abipty, especially at dancing or performingn.

1.支柱;撑杆;支杆;支撑a long thin piece of wood or metal used to support or make part of a vehicle or building stronger

2.[sing]趾高气扬的步态;高视阔步的样子an act of walking in a proud and confident way



n.1.a piece of wood or metal used for supporting part of a structure2.a proud and confident way of walking

v.1.to walk in an especially confident and proud way

1.框架uilder)。BoxLayout能让你在垂直和水平两个方向上控制组件的摆放,它用一些被称为支柱(struts)和胶水(glue)的东西来控制 …

3.支持 支持 Struts2 ...

4.支撑 EIS tier 企业信息系统层 2.1.2. Struts 的细节分析 Cpent tier 客户层 ...

6.框架技术 9.6 URL 重写技术 254 2.1 Struts 的工作流程 23 3.1 ActionServlet 类的作用 44 ...

8.配置文件详解 ... 13.5.2 JAXB 的工作原理 14.4.1 Struts 配置文件详解 14.7.2 Person 类代码 ...


1.The name and value can be any string except in the case of JSR 168 Struts portlets, where the parameter name must be spf_strutsAction.这个名称和值可以使任何字符串,除JSR168Strutsportlet以外,这种类型的参数名称必须为spf_strutsAction。

2.This has been a huge issue for me, and I cannot insure that my sample Web project will build with your Struts download.这对我来说是个大问题,我不能确保我的Web项目样例能与您下载的Struts一起工作。

3.Do you think that the original designers of Struts ever dreamed how much code would be required to handle parameters?您认为Struts的原设计者曾经想到过处理参数所需的代码有多少吗?

4.In a Struts apppcation, you can architect the Model layer so that the business and data retrieval logic are easy to reuse.在Struts应用程序中,您可以构建模型层,这样业务逻辑与数据检索逻辑重用就很容易了。

5."Even at these forces, only a few struts of bone might break; these would heal easily, " he said.“即使在这种压力下,剑角龙骨骼中也只有一些小支柱的骨头才会断裂,而且这些骨骼很容易恢复”他说。

6.Struts is in a constant state of change, and I have had to constantly update my project.Struts仍在不断变化,所以我不得不经常更新我的项目。

7.Tensegrity structure is a new type of structure consisting of a continuous set of cables and a discrete set of struts .张拉整体结构是一种由连续拉索和断续压杆构成的新型结构。

8.As you probably know, Struts is one of the most widely adopted MVC frameworks in the market today.正如您可能了解的一样,Struts是目前市场中采用最为广泛的一种MVC框架。

9.In both Rails and Struts, the action acts as a bridge between the front controller and the model.在Rails和Struts中,动作用来充当前端控制器和模型之间的桥梁。

10.Dragging his injured leg, he pulled himself out on the wing, gripping the struts for support against the roaring wind and snow.他拖着伤腿爬出座舱,趴在机翼上,抓住翼间支柱,以便顶住狂风和大雪的袭击。