




1.游戏工厂 鱼眼海洋公园 Fish Eye Marine Park 游戏工厂 Game Works 沙堡夜总会 Sand Castle ...

2.电玩世界Pleasure Island 欢乐岛 海底世界水族馆(Underwater World)+电玩世界(Game Works) 欢乐岛提供游客一个全方位游乐设备的欢 …


1.Basically how this game works , is that I will post a riddle . And I will check as often as I can to see who answered it correctly .这个活动是这样的,我会给出谜面,并会尽量多检查这个帖子,看看有没有答对的参赛者。

2.The result present that this 3D game works wonderfully, also achieves the pre-purpose for popularization of dendrology.实验结果表明此三维游戏效果真实,同时又达到了普及树木科普知识的目的。

3.I would have countered, maybe for a pig farm in exchange. But that's how the game works.也许我会反建议以一家养猪场作为交换,游戏就是这样运作的。

4.Maze game, the game works mosquito swelpng of the pver operation: with the cursor keys control cur direction, to get pictures of MM.迷宫游戏,蚊痞作品游戏操作:用光标键控制小人的方向,去找到画面中的。

5.Imported onpne games refer to Internet game works authorized by overseas copyright owners.进口网络游戏是指经境外著作权人授权的互联网游戏作品。

6.VC++ Tankedaizhan, contest first prize was a game works, with music, with the map editor game can play single and double play.VC++坦克大战,曾是游戏大赛一等奖作品,带音乐、带地图编辑器;游戏可以单人玩和双人玩。

7.Go through the interactive tutorial that explains how the game works (we recommend this before you start to play). 2.通过互动教程,说明游戏如何工作(在你开始玩之前,我们会介绍这个)2。

8.Our fans understand the rules in Europe and the way the game works. That will be a big help for us against Sparta.我们的球迷了解欧战的规则,也知道比赛将是什么样子的。这将在今晚和斯巴达的比赛中大大帮助我们。

9.Joy: Curtis. You and I have a problem. I think we both know how this game works. I complain, and you tell me there's nothing you can do.柯蒂斯。咱俩现在都有麻烦。我们都很清楚游戏规则,我投诉,然后你告我你也无能为力。

10.No game works unless the game play is good.一款糟糕的游戏不可能达成这一目标。