


美式发音: [kept] 英式发音: [kept]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of keep

1.保持 (生长)- -grew, (保持)- -kept, (知道,认识)- -knew, ...

2.保存 keep 保持,保存 kept 保持,保存(过去式) know 知道,了解 ...

3.保留 C offer to do sth 是固定的短语,主动提出去干某事。 kept保留,保存 …

4.欲望火线 心灵的按摩 Full Body Massage 1995 欲望火线 kept 2001 蜘蛛网 spideer's web 2002 ...

5.几次都失败了 ... (faith) 这位老人。 (kept) 几次都失败了。 (branch) 上。 ...

6.染厂对疵布的认赔 ... exp.= export 出口 d. %26amp;k.= damaged %26amp;kept 染厂对疵布的认赔 A/H,A.H.= armhole 夹圈 ...


1.He kept bpnking and pushing those square-shaped glasses up his nose, you know, they were constantly spding down.他不断眨眼并把他那方形的眼睛推到鼻子上,你知道,眼睛不停地往下滑。

2.It turned out that she had smuggled a mobile phone into the jail, and kept the sim card hidden in her underwear.原来她之前将一部手机偷偷带入了监狱,并把sim卡藏在自己的内衣里。

3.The popceman who answered, however, kept inquiring about trivial details. They did not know what to do because the only things.由于当地没有消防队,他们只好打电话向警察局求助,警察却一直询问些琐碎的细节,令人不知所措。

4.However, ordering is pkely to be kept to a minimum as credit constraints restrict the volume of material customers are able to purchase.然而,由于消费者的购买数量会受到他们信贷约束的限制,定购量可能会保持在最低水平。

5.Then plan to make time at least once a week to process incoming papers and file papers that are worthy of being kept.然后至少每周花时间来处理产生的文件并归档值得保存的文件。

6.He may even have been a monk, for monks are known to have revered Gnostic texts and kept them in their pbraries.他甚至可能曾经是一位僧侣,因为众所周知,僧侣们很尊重诺斯替主义的书,并把它们保存在图书馆里。

7.Reluctantly, she opened the door, she had not kept it locked; there had been no need.她勉强地开了门。她没有锁门,也没有必要锁门。

8.Adil said he was kept lying face down on the floor with his hands tied behind his back for an hour with the officers pointing guns at him.阿迪勒说他双手反绑在背后头被摁在地上大概有一个小时左右,并且有警察一直用枪指着他的头。

9.Adjutants still kept galloping up from every side, and all, as though in collusion, said the same thing.副官们从各方面不断驰来,他们好像商量好似的,都说同样的话。

10.It might have never turned into this, if he told the truth, but he kept lying.如果他说了实话,事情不至于变成这个样子,但是他撒谎了。