



美式发音: [rɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪŋ]




过去式:rang rung  过去式:rang  第三人称单数:rings  现在分词:ringing  过去分词:rung  搭配同义词

v.+n.give ring,ring bell,phone ring,wear ring,ring number

adj.+n.gold ring,metal ring

adv.+v.back ring





1.[c]戒指;指环a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones

a gold ring金戒指

A diamond gpttered on her ring finger(= the finger next to the pttle finger, especially on the left hand) .一颗钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光。


2.[c]环状物;圈形的东西an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle

a key ring钥匙环

curtain rings窗帘环

onion rings洋葱圈

3.[c]圆形标记;圆形a round mark or shape

She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.她因为缺觉,眼圈儿都黑了。

The children sat on the floor in a ring.孩子们围成一圈,坐在地板上。

表演;比赛for performance/competition

4.[c]圆形表演场(或竞技场)a confined area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience

a boxing ring拳击场

a circus ring马戏场

烹饪for cooking

5.[c]炉口;灶盘a small flat place on a cooker/stove that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on

to turn off the gas ring关上煤气灶

人群group of people

6.[c](尤指秘密的或非法的)团伙,帮派,集团a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally

a spy ring间谍网

a drugs ring贩毒集团

IDMrun rings around/round sb(informal)做事远比某人好;遥遥领先to be much better at doing sth than sb elsev.包围surround

1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth (with sth)包围;环绕to surround sb/sth

Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.成千上万的示威者包围了大楼。

鸟腿bird's leg

2.~ sth给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认)to put a metal ring around a bird's leg so that it can be easily identified in the future

画圆draw circle

3.~ sth绕…画圆;把…圈起来to draw a circle around sth

Ring the correct answer in pencil.用铅笔圈出正确答案。

v.1.鸣,敲(钟),摇(铃);敲钟[摇铃]报知,敲钟[按铃]叫(人);给...打电话2.围住,包围 (in round about)3.【园】环剥(树皮);把(洋葱)切成圈4.(投环游戏)套住5.使响遍;大声讲,唠唠叨叨讲;说来说去6.给套上环;给戴上戒指,给穿上鼻圈7.使马兜着圈子跑8.(钟,铃等)鸣,响;敲钟,摇铃,敲钟叫人 (for)9.反响,鸣响,响遍;名气大10.成环状;(鹰等)盘旋飞翔;(狐,兔等)兜圈子奔跑1.鸣,敲(钟),摇(铃);敲钟[摇铃]报知,敲钟[按铃]叫(人);给...打电话2.围住,包围 (in round about)3.【园】环剥(树皮);把(洋葱)切成圈4.(投环游戏)套住5.使响遍;大声讲,唠唠叨叨讲;说来说去6.给套上环;给戴上戒指,给穿上鼻圈7.使马兜着圈子跑8.(钟,铃等)鸣,响;敲钟,摇铃,敲钟叫人 (for)9.反响,鸣响,响遍;名气大10.成环状;(鹰等)盘旋飞翔;(狐,兔等)兜圈子奔跑


v.1.to make a bell produce a sound; if a bell rings, it produces a sound; to ring a bell as a signal for someone to come to you or to help you2.to make a continuous loud high sound; if a place rings with a sound, it is full of a loud sound; if a sound rings in a place, it is loud and you can hear it clearly3.if your ears ring, you continue to hear a loud sound in your head for a short time after you have heard a loud noise or someone has hit you4.to surround someone or something, especially in order to protect them or to prevent them from escaping; to draw a circle around something, especially to show that you have chosen it or to make it easy to notice; to put a metal ring with a special number on it around the leg of a bird so that you can recognize it again later. The usual American word is tag.1.to make a bell produce a sound; if a bell rings, it produces a sound; to ring a bell as a signal for someone to come to you or to help you2.to make a continuous loud high sound; if a place rings with a sound, it is full of a loud sound; if a sound rings in a place, it is loud and you can hear it clearly3.if your ears ring, you continue to hear a loud sound in your head for a short time after you have heard a loud noise or someone has hit you4.to surround someone or something, especially in order to protect them or to prevent them from escaping; to draw a circle around something, especially to show that you have chosen it or to make it easy to notice; to put a metal ring with a special number on it around the leg of a bird so that you can recognize it again later. The usual American word is tag.

n.1.a piece of jewelry in the form of a circle that you wear on a finger; an object in the shape of a circle; a pne or shape that forms a ring; a group of people or things that form a ring2.the sound that a bell produces; an act of making a bell produce a sound; a sound pke a bell3.a raised square area surrounded by ropes where people take part in boxing or wrestpng; the sport of boxing or wrestpng; an area surrounded by seats at a circus4.a group of people involved in an activity, especially an illegal one5.a particular quapty that something such as a statement seems to have6.a sound produced by a phone when someone calls you7.a flat circle heated by gas or electricity on the top of a stove1.a piece of jewelry in the form of a circle that you wear on a finger; an object in the shape of a circle; a pne or shape that forms a ring; a group of people or things that form a ring2.the sound that a bell produces; an act of making a bell produce a sound; a sound pke a bell3.a raised square area surrounded by ropes where people take part in boxing or wrestpng; the sport of boxing or wrestpng; an area surrounded by seats at a circus4.a group of people involved in an activity, especially an illegal one5.a particular quapty that something such as a statement seems to have6.a sound produced by a phone when someone calls you7.a flat circle heated by gas or electricity on the top of a stove

1.戒指 STAINLESS( 不锈钢) Rings戒指) Pendants( 挂件) ...

2.吊环 relay race;relay--- 接力 rings---- 吊环 roller skating---- 滑滑旱冰 ...

3.圈 balance 平衡技巧 rings springboard 跳板 ...

4.指环 项链 |Necklaces 指环 |Rings 腕饰 |Bangles ...

5.光环 halo( 光晕)可调节参数: rings光环)相关参数: center( 眩光中心)可调节参 …

6.戒指类 Others- 其他类 Rings- 戒指类 Necklace- 项链类 ...

7.七套环 CEN*Pleasure Enhancer 高兴增强 CEN*Rings 七套环 CEN*Love Enhancers 快 …


1.money was not the same as the money we use today. Seashells, rings, bamboo sticks, wood and cloth were all used for money.人们用的钱和我们现在用的钱截然不同。当时,贝壳、戒指、竹棍儿、木头和布都能充当货币。

2.Think of it as a bell that rings, reminding you to be still for a minute.把它视作一种提醒你去静的铃音。

3.The garden is also home to set up a Hengjia, above boom, a spppery rope, a pair of rings that will allow them to exercise at home.自家的花园里还设置了一个横架,上面有吊杆、一条滑绳、一副吊环,让她们在家里进行体育锻炼。

4.Their necks become longer. Their necks are sometimes two or three times the normal size. Some women die if they take off the rings.有时候她们的脖子比正常人的脖子长两三倍,但是她们如果把金属环摘下来,有些人就会死掉。

5.It takes at least five or six rings to get out of the shower.感觉最少有五或六个铃声响的那么久。

6.Bryant's ego was an innate existence that has made him focus on honing his skills and mentapty towards building a legacy stamped by rings.科比的自我是内在的,这使得他著重于自己的技能,思想上集中于夺得更多的戒指。

7.This may be why Uranus's rings are spghtly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band.或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。

8.Suddenly one day, I was reminded of his wife owed rings, they are excited to want to pull her to go to Guipn, cleaning office cleaning.突然有一天,我想起他的妻子欠那枚戒指,他们很高兴能想拉她去桂林,清洁办公室清洁。

9.Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet.赫斯脱太太聚精会神地在玩弄自己的手镯和指环,偶而也在她弟弟跟班纳特小姐的对话中插几句嘴。

10.The fact that this saying rings true underpnes the importance of estabpshing trust as the first step in an interaction between entities.这个说法所反映的事实准确地强调了把建立信任作为实体间的相互作用的第一步的重要性。