




1.同性之爱 RSS 订阅 Gay Love 同志情感 TAG 标签 ...

3.基情 128 围脖 meager 129 基情 gay love 130 鸡冻 exciting ...

4.吴梦曾 F——Friends—— 朋友 G——Gay Love—— 吴梦曾 S——sister—— 姐姐 ...

5.三角恋爱(straight love),但这次大导是改采快乐只为爱(gay love),果不其然,虽然夺奖不计其数,但快乐到最后关头就Crash了嘛!


1.The magazine has aroused pubpc attention since gay love is still a taboo subject in the country.在同性恋仍是禁忌的摩洛哥,这份杂志引起了人们极大的关注。

2.Two set pieces stand out: the death of the Thwaites' aged cat and the disintegration of Jupus's gay love affair.有两件事显得十分突出:斯维特的老猫死了,还有朱利叶斯的同性恋爱吹了。

3.Gay men share unique experiences when it comes to gay love, relationships and sex.当涉及到同性爱,关系和性的时候,同志间分享着独特的经验。

4.Brokeback marriage came from the movie Brokeback Mountain, which is about a gay love affair between two cowboys, both of whom are married.断背婚姻这个词来自电影《断背山》。它讲述了两个已经有家室的西部牛仔之间的同性恋爱情故事。

5.Storytellers enshrined gay love tales in the Thousand and One Nights.《一千零一夜》中也有同性爱的故事流传下来。