




1.主题曲 ... 四驱兄弟 - Fight it out.mp3 四驱兄弟 - GET THE WORLD.mp3 四驱兄弟 - We are the VICTORYS.mp3 ...

3.爆走兄弟一代的主题曲爆走兄弟一代的主题曲(GET THE WORLD):http://tw.youtube网址被屏蔽/watch?v=2zftSqKRwc8&feature=related爆走兄弟三代的主 …

4.求四驱兄弟日文主题曲求四驱兄弟日文主题曲(get the world)


1.But the rationale must be to get the world economy out of its current risky situation, not to propel us into yet another speculative bubble.然而,现在我们最基本的工作,是使世界经济摆脱当前这种危险的境地,而不是将我们推进另一个投机泡沫。

2.Every four years, 32 football teams come together to compete with each other, trying to get the world cup.每隔四年,32个球队走到一起,相互竞争,试图获得世界杯。

3.The first is how do we get the world to think long-term about this?首先,我们怎样才能让国际社会从长远的角度考虑这个问题?

4.Efforts have been made to get the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development involved.相关方面已做出努力,希望让世界银行(WorldBank)和欧洲复兴开发银行(EuropeanBankforReconstructionandDevelopment)参与进来。

5.But it's hard to find much reason to think that bottom-up, voluntary action can, on its own, get the world to cpmate stabipsation.然而,我们很难找到充足的理由去认为,自下而上、自发的行动可以单打独斗地让世界的气候保持稳定。

6.South Korea Coach: We are able to get the World Cup when South Korea's champion?韩国教练:我们韩国什么时候能得世界杯冠军?

7.Western countries now see developing nations as important partners in the effort to get the world economy growing again.西方国家现在视发展中国家为促使世界经济恢复增长的重要伙伴。

8.And the world's best players get the world's biggest wages, which has put a crimp on spending elsewhere.而世界顶尖球员拿的自然是世界顶尖的工资,这又自然让花在别处的开支大打折扣。

9.Western countries now see developing nations asimportnantimportant partners in the effort to get the world economy growing again.西方国家现在把发展中国家视为让世界经济重新增长的重要的合作伙伴。

10.Western countries now see developing nations as important partners in theeffecteffort to get the world economy growing again.西方国家已经认识到发展中国家是使世界经济复苏的重要参与者。