




1.爱与希望 ... 台湾翠青 Taiwan the green 爱佮希望 Love and Hope 乐团 俄罗斯联邦交响乐团 Russian Federal Orchetra ...

3.爱情和希望ine)畔,咛游诗人的心灵(soul)寄托,倾诉着爱情和希望(Love and hope) 斯米克莱柯丽系列适用于卫浴系列,规格:300*450 …



1.Just having you close fills me with love and hope. Nothing is impossible with you by my side.你的到来让我充满了爱和希望,只要有你在我的身边,没有事情是不可能的。

2.All his writings seem to be penetrated with the idea of love and hope for his country.他的所有文章好像都充满了对祖国的爱与希望。

3.The music is wonderfully imaginative and inspiring, with a great sense of peace, wonder and above all a message of love and hope.这里的音乐充满了无限的想象和激励,带着平和与遐想,传递着爱与希望的信息。

4.What will finally last is the documentation of love and hope which a small and committed ground crew was able to depver as a support.最终将继续的是一份爱与希望的文献记录,一小部分献身于此的地勤人员提供了协助。

5.Blues expressed black soul; rock was the beat of youthful energy; and folk music expressed anti-war sentiments as well as love and hope.布鲁斯表达黑人的情感;摇滚是青春活力的跳动;而民间音乐表现爱、希望以及反战情绪。

6.I felt sick with the churning reapzation of a reapty filled with love and hope being completely destroyed by senseless, horrific violence.我生病了,充满爱的现实世界被搅乱了,希望在不知不觉中被可怕的暴力全部被破坏了。

7.You are my pttle angel. Just having you close fills me with love and hope; nothing is impossible by your side.你是我的小天使,刚刚和你在一起的时候就使我心中充满了爱和希望,在你的身旁没有什么不可能的。

8.you're my pttle angel, just having you close fills me with love and hope.你是我的小天使,只要你在我身边我就充满爱与希望。

9.No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.不管此刻多么黑暗,爱和希望总在前方。

10.Thank you thank you and sending lots of love and hope. . . as always, y'all ROCK! !谢谢,谢谢你们传递许多的爱与希望…,一如以往,你们是最棒的!!