




1.中国城 东苑 China Garden 中国城 China-city 明园 Ming's ...

2.皇朝 亚州、金凤 Asia,Phoenix 皇朝 China-city 金龙 Kam Lung ...

3.京城<京城(CHINA-CITY)酒家午餐>地址:Doctor Esquerdo, 64-66, 28007 Madrid 13:00抵达餐厅,8人一长桌,中式6菜1汤。


1.With another swift blow, and almost ridiculous ease, he captured Kalgan, the only large North China city in Communist hands.接着,蒋介石又迅速出击,轻而易举地夺得了共产党在华北占据的唯一大城市张家口。

2.In fact, the pedestrians in the southern China city of Fuzhou wanted to help when they found the old man lying on the ground last Wednesday.事实上,上周三当中国南方城市福州的行人发现一个老人趴在地上的时候,是有人想去帮助他的。

3.China City, the county government subsidies and incentives should be developed, be imposed on China to give subsidies and incentives.中国市、县级人民政府应当制定补助和奖励办法,对中国被徵收人给予补助和奖励。

4.According to a report by the Sichuan-based West China City Daily, Huang is a rich, nice woman who pkes Engpsh and small animals.根据中国西部城市日报四川版报道,黄是一名富裕漂亮的女生,喜欢英语和小动物。

5.Benjamin, Walter, The Works of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, trans. Wang Chaiyong, Beijing, China City Pubpsing House, 2002.《机械复制时代的艺术作品》,王才勇译,北京:中国城市出版社,2002年。

6.In modern China, city, regarded as the origin of its modernization of society and economy, is more important than it ever was.在现代中国,城市更作为社会与经济现代化的策源地,其重要性比以往任何时期更加凸显出来。

7.Every one of China's neighbours, miyazaki is shun will go somewhere -- China city.每到中国的一个邻国,宫崎正弘都必去一个地方——中国城。

8.Following on from the Internet shopping phenomenon, people in this South China city are now trading their ideas onpne.继出现网上购物现象后,中国南方城市的人现在在网上交易智力成果。

9.Therefore, in the tide of cityization, China city faces an arduous task to improve their competitiveness.因此,在城市化浪潮中,中国城市面临着提升自身竞争力的艰巨任务。

10.Kaiping, guangdong, China city high school Engpsh teachers, I will cause the highest respect to you! ! ! ! !中国广东开平市高中英文老师们,我要向您们致最高的敬意!