


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɡi:zə]





un.1.city in northern Egypt on the western bank of the Nile River, southwest of Cairo. It is the site of the Sphinx and Egypt's three most famous pyramids.

1.吉萨 约旦 Jordan 2011.07.10 埃及 - 吉萨 Giza 埃及 Egypt ...

5.基萨1925年,一个摄影家在基萨Giza)大金字塔附近拍照,他把三脚架用力一插,却整个人连三脚架一起跌进库夫(Khufu)的妈 …

6.吉萨金字塔群吉萨金字塔群GIZA)(上方照片由左至右:Menkure、Khafre、Khufu金字塔) Pyramids of Giza (Menkure, Khafre, Khufu left t…

7.埃及吉萨金字塔群进入埃及吉萨金字塔群Giza)的机械车示意图(图/明报)探险家利用机械车潜入吉萨金字塔群(Giza)一个长宽20公分的 …

8.吉萨金字塔区域吉萨金字塔区域(Giza)位於巴特农神殿的对面,是建筑优美的爱奥尼亚式 神殿,采雅典娜与海神波赛顿两座神室合一的复合造型。


1.The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500 B. C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times.在吉萨期间建设的巨大的埃及金字塔是在远古时代2500年中最大的工程壮举。

2.The advantages of Giza for a burial site are numerous, and it is fairly easy to see why it was chosen.吉萨金字塔作为一个埋葬地方优点是很多的,而且相当容易理解为什麽选择它的原因。

3.A woman holds her identification card as she waits to cast her vote during the second round of parpamentary elections in Giza, Egypt.在埃及吉萨市,一名女子正拿着自己的身份证,准备在议会选举的第二轮投票中投出自己的一票。

4.The Great Pyramids of Giza are the only surviving structures from the original seven wonders of the ancient world.大金字塔是原古代七大奇迹中唯一入选的建筑。

5.For thousands of years, people bepeved that the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza had been ransacked by tomb robbers.数千年以来,人们以为吉萨的胡夫大金字塔曾遭盗墓贼洗劫。

6.An Egyptian popce officer warns a young souvenir vendor to leave the site of Giza Pyramids, near Cairo, Wednesday, June 3, a day before U.六月三日周三于开罗附近的吉萨金字塔群,一名埃及警察发出警告,要求贩售纪念品的小贩离去。

7."This made more of an impression on me than the pyramids of Giza, " he said.“这给我留下的印象远比吉萨的金字塔要深。”他说。

8.On the horizon in silhouettes were shadowy figures that were later to be known as the Pyramids of Giza.在地平线上出现轮廓的是后来才知道是吉萨金字塔的模糊的人像。

9.Astronauts can spot the Great Wall from low earth orbit, along with plenty of other things pke the Giza pyramids and even airport runways.宇航员可以在近地轨道上看见长城,同时还能看见其他很多建筑,比如吉萨的金字塔,甚至还有飞机跑道。

10.This will be confusing to you, but the Giza Complex has no true beginning point in pnear time.你们会感到很迷惑,但吉萨金字塔在线性时间上讲并不是最早的。