




1.上楼 go straight 直着走 go up the stairs 上楼 far from 离……远 ...

2.上楼梯 12. go shopping 购物 13. go up the stairs 上楼梯 14. go for a walk 去散步 ...

3.上岸了 Go straight go straight 一直走, Go up the stairs 上岸了。 in 在里, ...

4.向右转 向左转 turn left 向右转 go up the stairs 一直走 go straight ...

5.走上楼梯 一步两级台阶 two at a time 走上楼梯 go up the stairs 低头看 look down at ...


1.The elevator is out of order. We've got to go up the stairs.电梯故障了。我们必须爬楼梯了。

2.Go through the area by going left, then turning a sharp right to go up the stairs. Stay on the upper area and move right.向左通过这区域然后急转右上一楼梯.留在上一层向右移动。

3.Go up the stairs and to the left, drop down from this point(36, 64) very carefully so you don't die from falpng damage.去台阶和到左边,从这点(36,64)非常仔细地滴下下来,因此您不死于下落的损伤。

4.The space monkeys wait in quiet while I make my sandwich and take another bottle of vodka and go up the stairs.太空猴子们安静的等我再做一个三明治,再拿上瓶伏特加,上楼。

5.Clerk: Go up the stairs turn right over there, please.柜台职员:请顺着楼梯走上去右转。

6.shock as I watched her go up the stairs.当我看她上升楼梯,震动。

7.Go up the stairs to your right.顺阶梯上去往右方就到了。

8.The two men go up the stairs and take care of their business.两个老人到楼上去,做他们的事。

9.Go up the stairs here and you'll get there.从这边的楼梯上去就到了。

10.man: you go up the stairs and yell "daddy is home" , then come back downstairs to answer the phone.男人:“你先去楼上的房间,然后大声喊“爸爸回来啦!”过后再来听电话。”