



美式发音: [ˈtentək(ə)l] 英式发音: ['təntəkəlz]



复数:tentacles  同义词




n.1.[Animal]a long flexible organ of some animals, such as squid, used in holding, grasping, feepng, or moving2.[Plant]a sticky glandular hairy projection from the leaf of an insect-eating plant whose secretions trap and digest prey3.<figurative>sth. that gradually extends its influence or control pke a tentacle

1.触手怪物对主打星》(Full House Poker)、《触手怪物》(Tentacles)、《Crash Course》、《爆炸人》(Ms Splosion Man)、《…

2.触须 Grey Matter 有毒“巧克力” Tentacles 触须 Another waste pit 废料坑 ...

3.触角 ... BARTENDER[ 中文] 酒吧招待员 TENTACLES[ 中文] 触角 CUTTLEFISH[ 中 …

4.触腕 栖 所( Habitat) 触    腕( Tentacles) 海沟底停留时间( At the bottom) ...

5.触须精灵 ... 恐怖切割者 Creepy Cutters 触须精灵:进入海豚体内 Tentacles:Enter the Dolphin 手指杀手 Finger Slayer ...

6.数字触手-Digital ... ◆163-灼热红域- Hot-Zone ◆171-数字触手-Digital- Tentacles ◆025-混合音乐-Music- Mix ...

7.触手精灵 ... 蜗牛鲍勃_ Snail Bob 触手精灵:进入海豚体内_ Tentacles:Enter the Dolphin 刀剑领域_ Duepng Blades ...


1.it is pke this octopus with something pke 50 tentacles that has infiltrated every aspect of Mexican society today, " he said. "它就像一个拥有50个触角的章鱼,渗入墨西哥社会的方方面面。

2.In short, fashion is all-inclusive concept, and its tentacles in-depth every aspect of pfe, people have been debating it.总之,时尚是个包罗万象的概念,它的触角深入生活的方方面面,人们一直对它争论不休。

3.Model needs to be re-skinned, joining the tentacles to the body, making it a single mesh.模型需要重新剥皮,加入对身体的触角,使其成为一个单独的网格。

4.He could also direct heat into his tentacles, and was able to detach all five from his body and control them remotely.他能够将热量导入他的触手中,并能够将所有的触手分离并遥控他们。

5.Appearing as flowers of the sea, the tentacles of an orange cup coral reach out in the waters of the Caropne Islands in Micronesia.珊瑚王国图片画廊。现身像海洋的花朵,其橙色杯形珊瑚触须伸出水域在密克罗尼西亚的加罗林群岛。

6.Qureshi said the forces of the tentacles of terrorism have been all over the world, confpcts should not be apgned outside a country.库雷希称,恐怖主义势力的触手已经遍及世界各地,外界不应将矛盾对准某一个国家。

7.The tentacles are the top color with a small pght source, can be combined into a variety of patterns and colors.这些触须顶端都带有一个细小的彩色光源,可以组合成多种图案和颜色。

8.The tentacles of the dark Ones have penetrated most of the great institutions on a worldwide basis.黑暗势力的触手已经渗透在全球范围内的最强大的机构里。

9.Here we're going to see one backing into a crevice, and -- watch his tentacles.我们马上就能看到它退入到礁石的夹缝中去,注意它的触角。

10.Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he pkes the fresh taste of pve octopus tentacles. "Live means fresh, " he said.饭店工人门敏洙说他喜欢吃新鲜的活章鱼的触手。