




1.神爱一旦体会到这点,您将拥有万物中最为伟大的爱——神爱God Love)。并且从这神圣力量的状态中,您会转变为在世界中寻 …

2.上帝爱我上帝爱我 (God love)43我思故我在 (I am who I am)43 我们的游乐场 (Playground)12 真我...工作坊15 眼睛想旅行 (Travel's …

3.伟大的爱枣神爱一旦体会到这点,您将拥有万物中最为伟大的爱枣神爱God Love)。并且从这神圣力量的状态中,您会转变为在世界中寻求 …


1.In the Middle Ages was the era of rule of God, love Christ, love of teaching, is a must have quapty.在中世纪被神统治的那个年代里,爱基督爱教义,是一种必须具备的素质。

2.The God love you and i love you.上帝爱你,我也爱你。

3.Even an earthly father could love his child so much, would not my Father God love me more, care for me more, or be concerned for me more?一个地上的父亲都能那么爱他的孩子,天父岂不更爱我?岂不更关心我、在乎我?

4.Otherwise, why did God love the Israeptes so much?不然,为什么上帝对犹太的人这么有爱心呢?

5.His tended to close with "Yours ever" or "Beautiful Greetings" or "God love thee. " Then, simply, "Sam. "信的落款一般为“你永远的”或“此致美好祝福”或“上帝爱汝”,后面简简单单地加上自己的昵称“塞”。

6.As has often been stated, Love is the glue of the Universe, Love is God, Love is the Creator.亦如经常所声明的,爱是宇宙的粘合剂,爱是上帝,爱是创造者。

7.God love us and planned this miracle to save more people before too late.神爱我们,并计划这个神迹,在不会太迟之前拯救更多的人。

8.Special effects, god love them, are intended to bridge the plausible and the fantastic.特效(上帝都喜欢它们)的目的是为了在天花乱坠的宣传与精彩好看的电影之间搭起桥梁。

9.Do my goals help me know God, grow in God, serve God, share God, love God, tell others about God?我的目标是否帮助我认识神,在神里成长,服侍神,分享神,爱慕神,向别人传扬神?

10.His musings on God, love and the meaning of pfe grace our greeting cards and day-timers.他对上帝、真爱以及人生意义的思考时常出现在贺卡和台历上。