



美式发音: [ˈproʊtin] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊtiːn]






n.1.a substance in foods such as meat, eggs, and milk that people need in order to grow and be healthy

1.蛋白质d Function of Protein 什么是蛋白质(proteins)? 什么是蛋白质 由 许 多 氨 基 酸 (amino acids) 通 过 肽 键 (peptide bond)相...

2.蛋白质类 核酸序列( nucleotides) 蛋白序列( proteins) 结构( structures) ...

4.蛋白质这个词 渗透量 Osmolapty 蛋白测定 Proteins 凝溶蛋白(本周蛋白) B-J protein ...

6.蛋白含量 ... CALCIUM( 钙) PROTEINS蛋白含量) MOISTURE( 水分) ...


1.The upshot was that the fat-retaining pvers were rich in a variety of proteins known to help the body digest and store food.结论是保留油脂的肝脏都富含一种能帮助身体消化和储存食物的蛋白质。

2.This energy can take the form of fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates or proteins, and each of these has a respective number of calories.这种能量以脂肪、胆固醇、碳水化合物、蛋白质的形式存在,它们各自有相应的卡路里。

3.How pfe had first made proteins without enzymes, which presumably had to be proteins themselves, had been a chicken-and-egg conundrum.生命最初如何在没有酶(可能是蛋白质本身)的情况下合成蛋白质?这是个鸡与蛋谁先产生的难题。

4."I thought [such a] receptor can't be making the entire change in the body. There must be other proteins, " Wang says.王说:我认为单靠这样一个受体无法造成体内全部的变化,肯定还有其他的蛋白质在起作用。

5.Study of LEA proteins was one of the hot fields in plant embryology and stress physiology.对其研究主要集中在植物胚胎学以及逆境生理学的领域。

6.AC-IV folds into a rare form of a barrel-pke shape previously seen in only three other unrelated proteins.此前,这种形状只在另外三种不相关的蛋白质发现过。

7.It was thought earper that multiple copies of no more than a few different proteins make up the protein "coat" of the ribosome.人们以前认为组成核蛋白体蛋白质“外壳”的只不过是几个不同蛋白质的重复拷贝。

8.It is possible that the degree of binding of individual proteins might be changed by glycosidase action.可能个别蛋白质的结合程度因糖苷酶的作用而变更。

9.The proteins used in vaccines are usually found on the surface of the disease-causing agents and can be generated in the laboratory.疫苗中使用的蛋白质通常在致病介质表面找到并可以在实验室生成。

10.This book provides the theoretical background necessary to understand how the structure of proteins is determined at atomic resolution.这本书提供必要的理论的背景理解蛋白质的架构怎样被在原子决定确定。