




1.真主至大 Yeah,yeah,God is Great 没错,没错,上帝是伟大的~`` Yeah,yeah,God is Good 没错,没错,上帝是美好的.. ...

3.神是伟大的 One Day 超乎我所求我所想 God is Great 神伟大 Dwelpng Places 奇妙居所 ...

5.伟哉真主旧国旗在海珊执政前就已存在,以红白黑三横条为底,白色横条上有三颗绿色星星,之后海珊为国旗加诸「伟哉真主」(God is g

6.伟大的神看见伟大的神(God is great)和神的快乐3. 结局 与神近,在迦南中 不能进入安息,在旷野中倒毙 4. 代表人物 迦勒、约书亚 以色 …


1.He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great, " broadcast on loudspeakers.他说,清真寺有“Allahu阿克巴尔”或“真主伟大”,通过扬声器播放圣歌的凝聚力居民。

2.Blood pours down his head, drenching his golden brown khakis, as the crowd shouts, "God is great! "鲜血从他的头上流下来,浸湿了他的金黄色卡其布军服。人群叫喊着:上帝伟大!

3.Theologically, it tells me that God is great and that we are small and insignificant.从神学的角度来说,这表示上帝是伟大的,而人类是如此的渺小和无足轻重。

4.He thrilled the home audience by speaking in his native Tamil, closing his second acceptance speech with the evocation: "God is great. "他用自己的母语泰米尔语结束了自己的第二次获奖感言,“上帝是伟大的”的欢呼,振奋了观众们。

5.To augment staff, the current number of enforcement agencies to address the "God is Great Temple, theistic - Ling" situation.要充实人员,解决目前一些内审机构“庙大神少,有神无灵”的状况。

6.Singing "God is great" demonstrators held banners reading "Kill Geert Wilders" and "Wilders is a Christian terrorist. "吟诵着“真主至大”的示威者举着上面写有“杀死威尔德斯”和“威尔德斯是基督徒恐怖分子”的标语牌。

7.Behold, God is great, and we know him not, neither can the number of his years be searched out.神为大,我们不能全知,他的年数不能测度。

8.In Yobe state, young men chanted "God is Great" and attacked and set fire to a popce station.在约贝州,年轻男子高呼“真主伟大”,并放火燃烧了警察局。

9.On seeing the VOA TV camera, they raised their right arms to flash V for Victory signs. They shouted "Allahu Akhbar" or God is Great.当他们看见有美国之音标识的摄影机时,都举起右手,作出象征胜利的V字型,并且高呼“真主伟大”。

10.We were waiting for the signal and it happened. All mosques chanted 'God is great' all at once.我们等着信号,终于等到了——所有的清真寺都传来‘真主伟大’的呼喊。