


美式发音: [ˈwɪn(d)ˌfɔl] 英式发音: [ˈwɪn(d)ˌfɔːl]



复数:windfalls  同义词




1.意外之财;意外获得的东西an amount of money that sb/sth wins or receives unexpectedly

The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000.这家医院获得了一笔 30 万英镑的意外款项。

windfall profits意外的利润

The government imposed a windfall tax(= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year) on some industries.政府对某些行业征收暴利税。

2.风吹落的果子(尤指苹果)a fruit, especially an apple, that the wind has blown down from a tree


n.1.an amount of money that you get when you are not expecting it, especially a large amount2.an apple or other fruit that has fallen from a tree

1.横财 winch 绞盘,曲柄,绞车 windfall 横财 windlass 卷扬机,绞盘 ...

2.意外之财 wind up 终止,结束 windfall 意外之财 wildcat 高风险的 ...

3.外快 salary raise 加薪 windfall 外快 annual pension 年薪 ...

4.意外的收获 willow n. 柳,柳树 windfall n. 落果,意外的收获,横财 winding adj. 卷绕的,弯曲的 ...

5.意外收获 入秀- RUXIU 意外收获- WINDFALL 恰茗·俪俪- Charming ply ...

6.一笔横财 Uptick: 上涨,上升 Windfall: 一笔横财 Aboption/abopsh 废除 ...

7.钱途似锦 人物简介 Profiles 博姆敦》、《钱途似锦 Windfall》,CBS 电视剧《小镇春色 Swingtown》, ...

8.意外横财 gold bugmembership fee (会员费) windfall意外横财) Credit rating (信用评级) ...


1.George Osborne, shadow chancellor, is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses.影子财相乔治-奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)拒绝取消他自己提出暴利税方案,并要求银行放弃税损。

2.Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer pubpcly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

3.It might have led to a windfall financial gain, but, at the very least, it was an opportunity to make video games.它最终或许会创造巨大的经济效益,但对我而言,重要的是我有了一个开发电脑游戏的机会。

4.It would have been neither feasible nor wise for oil-rich nations to spend this windfall at home, so much of it was saved and sent abroad.将这笔横财用于国内是既不可行也不明智的,因此许多的资金便贮存了下来并转移到了国外。

5.It's less risky to invest your windfall in someone with a proven business record, or put the money in the bank.把这笔意外之财交给银行或者投到一位可靠的生意人身上,风险就没有那么高。

6."In principle there was a poptical consensus during the campaign to charge a windfall profits tax on miners, " he said.「原则上,在选战期间,各候选人达成政治共识,认为应对矿业主课徵暴利税。」他说。

7.But it's easy to see the potential windfall Facebook stands to make.但是显而易见facebook坚持创造潜在的意外收获。

8.To have one of their countrymen who can play, and is young and can be here a long time, I don't know how that's not a windfall for us.能长期拥有一个会打篮球的年轻中国人在这里打球,我肯定这将会是一笔以外的收获。

9.The purchase landed it a windfall profit and a leading position in fixed-income trading on both sides of the Atlantic.此项收购使巴克莱获得意外的暴利,成为大西洋两岸固定收入交易的佼佼者。

10.He told me that he often illusions themselves from an early age to encounter such a windfall uncle, however, has not encountered before.他告诉我,他从小就经常幻想自己能遇到这样一个从天而降的叔叔,然而一直没有遇到过。